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grained Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

grained ka kya matlab hota hai


grained शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:


न्यूट्रिनो प्रयोगों ICARUS और MicroBooNE, जो दोनों के न्यूट्रिनो बातचीत के ठीक छोटाबीजवाला तीन आयामी इमेजिंग के लिए एक समय प्रक्षेपण कक्ष में उच्च शुद्धता तरल आर्गन का उपयोग शामिल है।

मापनशीलता ("माँग-पर") संसाधनों का एक अच्छा पर प्रावधानीकरण- के जरिये छोटाबीजवाला, आत्म वास्तविक समय निकट सेवा आधार, प्रयोक्ताओं पीक लोड के लिए इंजीनियर बिना. प्रदर्शन पर नियंत्रण किया जाता है और सिस्टम इंटरफेस के रूप में वेब सेवाओ का उपयोग करते हुए स्थिर और शिथिल युग्मित सरंचना का उपयोग किया जाता है।

grained's Usage Examples:

Coarsely grained galena is used for glazing pottery, and is then known as "potters' ore" or alquifoux.

The wood is fine grained and satiny.

slates alternating with gritty bands), the cleavage is most perfect in the finest grained rocks.

They are dark blue-grey, fine grained and durable, and are much used for flagging and kerbing and for sills, caps and steps.

or chalk (after the stone has been " grained "), or it is transferred from a drawing upon transfer paper in lithographic ink.

The soap is from this again grained off or salted out, and the underlye so thrown down carries with it coloured impurities which may have been in the materials or which arise from contact with the boiler.

The difference between schists and gneisses is mainly that the latter have less highly developed foliation; they also, as a rule, are more coarse grained, and contain far more quartz and felspar, two minerals which rarely assume platy or acicular forms, and hence do not lead to the production of a fissile character in the rocks in which they are important constituents.

The rail-failures mentioned above also drew renewed attention to the importance of the thermal treatment of the steel from the time of melting to the last passage through the rolling mill and to the necessity of the finishing temperature being sufficiently low if the product is to be fine grained, homogeneous and tough; and to permit of this requirement being met there was a tendency to increase the thickness of the metal in the web and flanges of the rails.

The wood is coarsely grained, as in all the red-oak group, but harder and more durable than that of Q.

in diameter; the wood is strong, hard and close grained; the acorns are produced in great quantity, and are used by the Indians as food.


harsh, granulose, farinaceous, granular, gritty, coarse, grainy, mealy,


pleasant, starchless, achondritic, cowardly, fine,

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