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goaded Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

goaded ka kya matlab hota hai


goaded शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

साहिबगंज ज़िले के नगर गोड्डा (Godda) भारत के झारखंड राज्य के गोड्डा ज़िले में स्थित एक नगर है।

भारतीय संगीत अंगिका एक भाषा है जो बिहार के पूर्वी, उत्तरी व दक्षिणी भागों, झारखण्ड के उत्तर पूर्वी भागों और पं. बंगाल के पश्छिम भागों में बोली जाती है जिसमें गोड्डा, साहिबगंज, पाकुड़, दुमका, देवघर, कोडरमा, गिरिडीह जैसे जिले सम्मिलित हैं।

इस इकाई में झारखंड के छह जिले - गोड्डा, देवघर, दुमका, जामताड़ा, साहिबगंजजिला और पाकुड़ शामिल हैं।

गोड्डा खनिज संपदाओ से भरा है।

राँची, लोहरदग्गा, गुमला, सिमडेगा, पलामू, लातेहार, गढवा, पश्चिमी सिंहभूम, सराईकेला खरसाँवा, पूर्वी सिंहभूम, दुमका, जामताड़ा, साहेेबगंज, पाकुड़, गोड्डा, हजारीबाग, चतरा, कोडरमा, गिरिडीह, धनबाद, बोकारो, देवघर, खूँटी,रामगढ़।


चतराधनबाद दुमकागिरिडीहगोड्डाहजारीबाग जमशेदपुर खूँटी कोडरमा लोहरदगापलामूराजमहलराँचीसिंहभूम।

. भगीरथ मांझी का जन्म गोड्डा के तलड़िहा में खरवार जनजाति में हुवा था ,इसे बाबाजी के नाम से जाना जाता था ,इन्होंने1874 में खरवार आंदोलन को प्रारंभ किया था।

समय के साथ प्राचीन दुमका जिला से कटकर 5 और जिले बने है गोड्डा, देवघर, साहेबगंज, पाकुड़ और जामताड़ा।

3. गोड्डाफुरकान अंसारीकांग्रेस।

गोड्डा ज़िले के नगर हज़ारीबाग (Hazaribagh) भारत के झारखंड राज्य के हज़ारीबाग ज़िले में स्थित एक शहर है।

आज का साहेबगंज जिला,पाकुड़ जिला,दुमका जिला,गोड्डा जिला,देवघर जिला,जामताड़ा जिला( 15 नवम्बर 2000 ई॰ से ये सभी जिले अब झारखण्ड राज्य में है।

एशिया में राजधानियाँ फुरकान अंसारी कांग्रेस के सांसद हैं, एवं झारखंड के गोड्डा लोकसभा क्षेत्र का चौदहवीं लोकसभा में प्रतिनिधित्व कर रहे हैं।

goaded's Usage Examples:

of England at the interview of the Field of the Cloth of Gold in 1520; his want of tact goaded the Constable de Bourbon to extreme measures in 1522-1523; and in the Italian campaign of 1525 he proved himself a mediocre, vacillating and foolhardy leader, and by his blundering led the army to the disaster of Pavia (the 25th of February 1525), where, however, he fought with great bravery.

The king's demands were not intrinsically irreconcilable with the canon law, and the papacy would probably have allowed them to take effect sub silentio, if Becket (q.v.) had not been goaded to extremity by persecution in the forms of law.

Racked with the stone, hated by the official clique, thwarted on all sides, Perrot was goaded into using words capable of a treasonable interpretation.

The mountain ranges in the south are largely inhabited by Miao-tsze, who are the original owners of the soil and have been constantly goaded into a state of rebellion by the oppression to which they have been subjected by the Chinese officials.

Goaded by the vigorous revival of militant Catholicism which marked the opening of the 17th century, de Luynes tried to put a finishing touch to the triumph of Catholicism in France, which he had assisted, by abandoning in the treaty of Ulm the defence of the small German states against the ambition of the ruling house of Austria, and by sacrificing the Protestant Grisons to Spain.

His subjects had already begun to murmur; resistance, the early parliaments of his reign had been passive and complaisant; but by 1523 the Commons had been goaded into resistance.

Zwingli, moreover, never knew anything of those spiritual experiences which drove Luther into a cloister and goaded him to a feverish "searching of the Scriptures" in the hope of finding spiritual peace.

It was shaken (c. 528) by the defeat, at the hands of tributary princes goaded to desperation, of Mihiragula, the most powerful and bloodthirsty of its rulers - the " Attila of India."

We need to be provoked--goaded like oxen, as we are, into a trot.

I flirted like a hooker and goaded him into discussing all those sordid confessions he'd be hearing.


unvoluntary, driven, nonvoluntary, involuntary,


unmotivated, unambitious, willing, conscious, voluntary,

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