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gallop Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

gallop ka kya matlab hota hai

सरपट दौड़


डपट, पोइया, चौकड़ी, घोड़े की सरपट चाल, सरपट चाल, सरपट,


तेज़ पाठ करना, सरपट दौड़ाना, सरपट दौड़ना,

gallop शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

दोहरी पट्टा तलवार दाँडपट्टा का प्रयोग प्रमुख है।

इसमें लाठी-काठी, तलवार-ढाल, दाँडपट्टा आदि हथियारों का अभ्यास शामिल हैं।

आगरा जिले के गाँव पोइया एतमादपुर, आगरा, उत्तर प्रदेश स्थित एक गाँव है।

व्यवसायिक जिला, ले पठार, शहर का केंद्र है, साथ ही कोकोडी, डॉक्स प्लेटॉक्स (शहर के सबसे धनी इलाका और राजनयिकों के लिए एक केंद्र), और एद्जामे, एक झोपडपट्टी, लेगून के उत्तरी किनारे पर है।

gallop's Usage Examples:

He came at a gallop, wearing a small hat, a blue uniform open over a white vest, and the St. Andrew ribbon over his shoulder.

Active and graceful in their movements, their pace is either a kind of trot or a series of springs following one another so rapidly as to look like a gallop. They take readily to water, in which they swim well.

With screams squeals, and waving of whips that caused even the shaft horses to gallop--the other sleighs followed.

Their usual pace is an awkward trot, not unlike that of a camel; and they seldom break into a gallop. The Somali form has been separated as L.

Bonaparte, having come up at a gallop, stopped his horse.

This man rode toward Balashev at a gallop, his plumes flowing and his gems and gold lace glittering in the bright June sunshine.

When disturbed they go off at a swift trot, which soon leaves all pursuit from a man on foot far behind; but if chased by a horseman they break into a gallop, which they can keep up for some distance.

Too bad I'm always at my worse when you gallop up, isn't it?

Nicholas put all his horses to a gallop and passed Zakhar.

As fast as ever the horses can gallop, so fast we'll go!


ride horseback,


relax, unstrain,

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