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fructose Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

fructose ka kya matlab hota hai



फलों के रस से निर्मित चीनी, फलशर्करा,

fructose शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

फलशर्करा और द्राक्ष-शर्करा का ऐसीटिक अम्ल में रासायनिक परिवर्तन निम्नलिखित सूत्रों से अंकित किया जा सकता है:।

জজজ इंसानों में, शुक्राणुओं के अलावा बीजीय तरल में अनेक घटक होते हैं: बीजीय तरल के प्रोटियोलिटिक और अन्य एंजाइमों के साथ-साथ फलशर्करा तत्व शुक्राणुओं के अस्तित्व की रक्षा करते हैं और उन्हें एक ऐसा माध्यम प्रदान करते हैं जहाँ वे चल-फिर सकें या "तैर" सकें. वो प्रक्रिया जिसके परिणामस्वरूप वीर्य का प्रवाह होता है उसे स्खलन कहा जाता है।

शुक्राणु पुटिकाएं (seminal vesicles) एक फलशर्करा से भरपूर पीला-सा गाढा-चिपचिपा तरल और अन्य सार पैदा करती हैं, जो मानव वीर्य का लगभग 70% होते हैं।

कार्बनिक यौगिक फलशर्करा (फ्रक्टोज) एक कार्बनिक यौगिक है।

fructose's Usage Examples:

A separation of a-acrose was made by acting with beer yeast, which destroyed the ordinary fructose and left /-fructose which was isolated as its osazone.

The general principles of stereochemistry being discussed in Stereoisomerism (q.v.), we proceed to the synthesis of glucose and fructose and then to the derivation of their configurations.

Fructose intolerance is an inherited disorder.

In the vegetable kingdom glucose occurs, always in admixture with fructose, in many fruits, especially grapes, cherries, bananas, 'c. and in combination, generally with phenols and aldehydes belonging to the aromatic series, it forms an extensive class of compounds termed glucosides.

The reader is referred to Glucose and Fructose for an account of these substances.

The ketone is also obtained when Bertrand's sorbose bacterium acts on glycerol; this medium also acts on other alcohols to yield ketoses; for example: erythrite gives erythrulose, arabite arabinulose, mannitol fructose, 'c.

He prepared the cyanhydrins of glucose and fructose, hydrolysed them to the corresponding oxy-acids, from which the hydroxy groups were split out by reduction; it was found that glucose yielded normal heptylic acid and fructose methylbutylacetic acid; hence glucose is an aldehyde alcohol, CH 2 OH (CH OH) 4 CHO, whilst fructose is a ketone alcohol CH 2 OH (CH OH) 3 CO.

Our knowledge of the chemical structure of the monosaccharoses may be regarded as dating from 1880, when Zincke suspected some to be ketone alcohols, for it was known that glucose and fructose, for example, yielded penta-acetates, and on reduction gave hexahydric alcohols, which, when reduced by hydriodic acid, gave normal and secondary hexyliodide.

It was surmised that a-acrose was a mixture of dextro and laevo fructose, a supposition which was proved correct by an indirect method.

The osazone prepared from a-acrose resembled most closely the glucosazone yielded by glucose, mannose, and fructose, but it was optically inactive; also the ketose which it gave after treatment with hydrochloric acid and reduction of the osone was like ordinary fructose except that it was inactive.


fruit sugar, levulose, laevulose, ketohexose,

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