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fronting Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

fronting ka kya matlab hota hai



शिर, स्र्ख़, मुख, सामना,


सामना करना, सम्मुख होना,


सामनेवाला, सामने का,

fronting शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

अन्य - बायें से दायें, शिरोरेखा, संयुक्ताक्षरों का प्रयोग, अधिकांश वर्णों में एक उर्ध्व-रेखा की प्रधानता, अनेक ध्वनियों को निरूपित करने की क्षमता आदि।

ॐ आदि वन्दिताय नमः . शिरः पूजयामि .।

(२) कुछ लोग शिरोरेखा का प्रयोग अनावश्यक मानते हैं।

अग्रहायण या अगहन या मार्गशीर्ष मृगशिरा में।

यही कारण है कि भारतीय संगीत के सुर और लय की सहायता से मीरा, तुलसी, सूर और कबीर जैसे कवियों ने भक्त शिरोमणि की उपाधि प्राप्त की और अन्त में ब्रह्म के आनन्द में लीन हो गए।

इसकी पहचान एक क्षैतिज रेखा से है जिसे 'शिरोरेखा' कहते हैं।

४-अथर्वशिर उपनिषद् (सामवेद)।

इसकी पहचान एक क्षैतिज रेखा से है जिसे ‘शिरोरेखा’ कहते हैं।


अथर्व-शिर अथर्व वेद, शैव उपिनषद्।

वेद-पुरुष के शिरोभाग को उपनिषद् कहते हैं।

यद्यपि प्राचीनकालमे माघशुक्ल प्रतिपदासे शिशिर ऋत्वारम्भ उत्तरायणारम्भ और नववर्षाम्भ तिनौं एक साथ माना जाता था।

१९३५ में हिंदी साहित्य सम्मेलन ने नागरी लिपि सुधार समिति के माध्यम से 'अ' की बारहखड़ी और शिरोरेखा से संबंधित सुधार सुझाए।

प्रत्येक शब्द के ऊपर एक रेखा खिंची होती है (कुछ वर्णों के ऊपर रेखा नहीं होती है) इसे शिरोरेखा कहते हैं।

fronting's Usage Examples:

Pietro e Cesareo, fronting upon it, is ensconced in.a temple of Rome and Augustus, part of the side wall of which, with engaged columns, is still visible.

The approach to the grotto lay through a portico on the level with and fronting the street, and a pronaos, in communication with which was a kind of sacristy.

If they be reckoned as integral parts of Greenland, then the north coast, fronting the polar sea, culminates about 83° 40' N.

Turkey in Asia, fronting Turkey in Europe to the south-east, and lying between 28° and 41° N.

At a cost of "5,000,000 a new medical school, hospital and children's hospital, occupying several city blocks fronting on Forest Park, have been completed since 1911.

There still remains close to the first-named street and fronting the Corso Garibaldi a high wall built of square Roman bricks, with pillars and arched recesses in the upper portion, which goes by the name of Palazzo di Teodorico.

There were then unearthed remains of several buildings fronting a broad thoroughfare, one of which is the largest Roman building, except the baths at Bath, yet discovered in England.

The following are the chief islands: - Thasos, in the extreme north, off the Macedonian coast; Samothrace, fronting the Gulf of Saros; Imbros and Lemnos, in prolongation of the peninsula of Gallipoli (Thracian Chersonese); Euboea, the largest of all, lying close along the east coast of Greece; the Northern Sporades, including Sciathos, Scopelos and Halonesos, running out from the southern extremity of the Thessalian coast, and Scyros, with its satellites, north-east of Euboea; Lesbos and Chios; Samos and Nikaria; Cos, with Calymnos to the north; all off Asia Minor, with the many other islands of the Sporades; and, finally, the great group of the Cyclades, of which the largest are Andros and Tenos, Naxos and Paros.

The palace of the khan, with its gardens and lake, itself formed an inner enclosure fronting the south.

I'd lived so clement an existence that the sum total of my exposure to mayhem came from the soft cushioned sofa fronting a wide screen television.


front end, face, side, head, forepart, forefront,


bottom, larboard, reverse, starboard, rear,

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