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froissart Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

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froissart शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

आम पेस्ट्री व्यंजनों में पाई, टार्ट्स, क्विचेस, क्रोइसैन और पेस्टी शामिल हैं।

हालांकि चावल और टैपिओका स्टार्च मूल केरल स्टेपल chappatis या परांठे के रूप में गेहूं, माना जा सकता है (केरल में porottas के रूप में जाना जाता है), अब बहुत अधिक खाने के समय पर विशेष रूप से खाया. कई सड़कों पर छोटे विक्रेताओं एक तेल परांठे मांस, अंडा, या सब्जी खाने के लिए करी के साथ (अपने flakiness में क्रोइसैन और oiliness के सदृश) प्रदान करते हैं।

आमतौर पर फ्रेंच केवल एक साधारण नाश्ता ("पेटिट डेजेयूनर" (Petit Déjeuner)) (यानी पारंपरिक तौर पर बगैर हैंडिल के "बोल" (बाउल) में परोसी गयी कॉफी या चाय और ब्रेड, नाश्ते में खायी जानेवाली पेस्ट्री (क्रोइसैन), या दही) ही खाते हैं।


froissart's Usage Examples:

by Froissart and Waurin it is distinctly stated that the crown was arched in the form of a cross.

His court, described at length in Froissart's famous chronicle,.

The gravest doubts, however, exist as to the authenticity of this story; Fernao Lopes, the Portuguese Froissart, who is the great authority fcr the details of the death of Inez, with some of the actors in which he was acquainted, says nothing of the ghastly ceremony, though he tells at length the tale of the funeral honours that the king bestowed upon his wife.

In popular story and ballad he is known as one of the heroes of Otterburn or Chevy Chase, which is the subject of one of the most stirring recitals of Froissart.

See also Thomas Walsingham, Chronicon Angliae (Rolls series, 1814); Froissart, Chronicles (edited by G.

Nothing definite is known of him previous to the outbreak of the peasant revolt in 1381, but Froissart says he had served as a soldier in the French War, and a Kentishman in the retinue of Richard II.

1453), in his continuation of Froissart's chronicles.

See Jean Froissart, Chroniques, edited by S.

Froissart relates that he was burned to death through his bedclothes catching fire; Secousse says that he died in peace with many signs of contrition; another story says he died of leprosy; and a popular legend tells how he expired by a divine judgment through the burning of the clothes steeped in sulphur and spirits in which he had been wrapped as a cure for a loathsome disease caused by his debauchery.

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