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foresters Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

foresters ka kya matlab hota hai



वनचर, जंगल का अफ़सर, वनवासी,

foresters शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

विल्हण की प्रसिद्ध रचना विक्रमांकदेवचरित में विक्रमादित्य षष्ठ के जीवनचरित् का विवरण है।

भारत सरकार द्वारा अटल बिहारी वाजपेयी का जीवनचरित।

आर्य जगत के सुप्रसिद्घ विद्वान डॉ.धर्मवीर का लघु जीवनचरित।

उनके आविर्भाव और मृत्यु के उपरांत संतों तथा भक्तों के जीवनचरित्रों के निर्माण की परंपरा चल पड़ी।

रिपोर्ताज लेखन, जीवनचरितात्मक उपन्यास और महायात्रा गाथा की परंपरा डाली।


लटके तरुओं पर विहग नीड़ वनचर लड़कों को हुए ज्ञात।

उनके अन्य उपन्यासों में दुर्गेशनंदिनी, मृणालिनी, इंदिरा, राधारानी, कृष्णकांतेर दफ्तर, देवी चौधरानी और मोचीराम गौरेर जीवनचरित शामिल है।

चरितकोश, कथाकोश इतिहासकोश, ऐतिहासिक कालकोश, जीवनचरितकोश पुराख्यानकोश, पौराणिक- ख्यातपुरुषकोश आदि आदि प्रकार के विविध नामरूपात्मक ज्ञानकोशों की बहुत सी विधाएँ विकसित और प्रचलित हो चुकी हैं।

इंग्लैण्ड में रामानुजन को बस थोड़ी परेशानी थी और इसका कारण था उनका शर्मीला, शांत स्वभाव और शुद्ध सात्विक जीवनचर्या।

नेहरू: राजनैतिक जीवनचरित (1961),।

लुइस मोरेरी ने 1674 में एक विश्वकोश की रचना की जिसमें इतिहास, वंशानुसंक्रमण तथा जीवनचरित् संबंधी निबंधों का समावेश था।

foresters's Usage Examples:

The learned societies of Washington are to a large degree more national than local in their character; among them are: the Washington Academy of Sciences (1898), a "federal head" of most of the societies mentioned below; the Anthropological Society (founded 1879; incorporated 1887), which has published Transactions (1879 sqq., with the co-operation of the Smithsonian Institution) and The American Anthropologist (1888-1898; since 1898 published by the American Anthropological Association); the National Geographic Society (1888), which since 1903 has occupied the Hubbard Memorial Building, which sent scientific expeditions to Alaska, Mont Pelee and La Souffriere, and which publishes the National Geographic Magazine (1888 sqq.), National Geographic Monographs (1895) and various special maps; the Philosophical Society of Washington (1871; incorporated 1901), devoted especially to mathematical and physical sciences; the Biological Society (1880), which publishes Proceedings (1880 sqq.); the Botanical Society of Washington (1901); the Geological Society of Washington (1893): the Entomological Society of Washington (1884), which publishes Proceedings (1884 sqq.); the Chemical Society (1884); the Records of the Past Exploration Society (1901), which publishes Records of the Past (1902 sqq.); the Southern History Association (1896), which issues Publications (1897 sqq.); the Society for Philosophical Inquiry (1893), which publishes Memoirs (1893 sqq.); the Society of American Foresters (1900), which publishes Proceedings (1905 sqq.); and the Cosmos Club.

Those associations, of which the area of operations extends beyond any single state, are subordinate to the control of the imperial insurance bureau (Reichsversicherungsaml) at Berlin; those that are confined to a single state (as generally in the case of foresters and husbandmen) are under the control of the state insurance bureau (Landes.

Great difference of opinion exists among foresters as to the cause of this destructive malady; but it is probably the direct result of unsuitable soil, especially soil containing insufficient nourishment.

Belknap's chief works are: History of New Hampshire (1784-1792); An Historical Account of those persons who have been distinguished in America, generally known as American Biography (1792-1794); The Foresters (1792), 'c.

The lower officers of the forest, who held merely local appointments, were the verderers, the regarders (one of whose duties was that of seeing to the expeditation of "great dogs"), the foresters, the woodwards and the agisters.

His latest drama, The Foresters, now received his attention, and in March 1892 it was produced at New York, with Miss Ada Rehan as Maid Marian.

Among the early writings, besides the book of Curtis, there may also be mentioned a still useful little publication by Pohl and Kollar, entitled Insects Injurious to Gardeners, Foresters and Farmers, published in 1837, and Taschenberg's Praktische Insecktenkunde.

sessiliflora in the New Forest, has been adopted by foresters as a general term for this kind of oak; it seems to be the most prevalent form in Germany and in the south of Europe.

The terrible losses sustained by whole communities of farmers, planters, foresters, 'c., from plant diseases have naturally stimulated the search for remedies, but even now the search is too often conducted in the spirit of the believer in quack medicines, although the agricultural world is awakening to the fact that before any measures likely to be successful can be attempted, the whole chain of causation of the disease must be investigated.

foresters, seamen, smiths, 'c.), and hence are called professional associations (Berufsgenossenschaften).


arboriculturist, tree farmer, husbandman, farmer, sodbuster, granger,

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