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foldings Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

foldings ka kya matlab hota hai


प्रक्रिया जिससे प्रोटीन अणु अपने जटिल त्रि-आयामी आकार को मानता है


तह करने का काम, मोड़ने करने का काम,

foldings's Usage Examples:

It is only in the outer foldings of the highlands that Palaeozoic fossiliferous deposits are found - Silurian, Devonian, Carboniferous and Permo-Carboniferous.

Such foldings of strata must always die out unless they are abruptly terminated by dislocations.

Such foldings, however, can often be distinctly seen, either on some cliff or coast-line, or in the traverse of a piece of hilly or mountainous ground.

A new series of Jatulian deposits was formed and a new system of foldings followed; but these were the last in this part of the globe.

New masses of granites protruded next from underneath, and the Bothnian deposits underwent foldings in their turn, while denudation was again at work on a grand scale.

Near the centre of the range there are broader foldings, carved into castle and cathedral shapes.

The rocks underlying it have been subjected to successive foldings and crumplings by forces acting chiefly from the direction of the Atlantic Ocean, with alternating prolonged periods of waste and denudation.

Cohnheim's hypothesis of " embryonic residues " provides that early in the development of the embryo some of the cells, or groups of cells, are separated from their organic continuity during the various foldings that take place in the actively growing embryo.

These valleys are not synclinal foldings of rocks; they seem to be erosion-valleys.

In Carinella they are generally deficient and the intestine straight; in young specimens of this species, however, they occur, though less regular and more in the form of incipient foldings by which the digestive surface is, increased.

foldings's Meaning':

the process whereby a protein molecule assumes its intricate three-dimensional shape


turn up, scrunch up, corrugate, crimp, plicate, cross, wrinkle, scrunch, pleat, crease, fold up, tuck, pinch, furrow, crinkle, crisp, ruckle, collapse, change surface, ruffle,


uncross, unfold, wet, stabilise, discharge,

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