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felons Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

felons ka kya matlab hota hai



हत्यारा, अति पातकी, आततायी, अपराधी,

felons शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

गांधी का हत्यारा नाथूराम गौड़से हिन्दू राष्ट्रवादी थे जिनके कट्टरपंथी हिंदु महासभा के साथ संबंध थे जिसने गांधी जी को पाकिस्तान को भुगतान करने के मुद्दे को लेकर भारत को कमजोर बनाने के लिए जिम्मेदार ठहराया था।

जब तक वह महसूस नहीं करता कि आयुक्त (सदाशिव अमरापुरकर) भी सोचता है कि अज्ञात हत्यारा पुलिस की तुलना में समाज की अधिक मदद कर रहा है।

उन्हें लगातार चौथा पुरस्कार सिगप्पु रोजाकल के लिए मिला, जिसमें उन्होंने एक ख़लनायक की भूमिका निभाई, जो एक मनोरोगी यौन हत्यारा है।

१९४८ Ramji Gupta के जानकारी नुसार (गांधी हत्यारा ) नाथूराम विनायक गोडसे (19 मई 1910 - 15 नवंबर 1949) महात्मा गांधी के हत्यारे थे, जिन्होंने 30 जनवरी 1948 को नई दिल्ली में बिंदु रिक्त सीमा पर गांधी को तीन बार सीने में गोली मार दी थी।

साद अकबर बाबरक नामक हत्यारा एक अफ़ग़ान था।

|1977 || हत्यारा || प्रकाश ||।

|1977 || हत्यारा || विजय सिंह ||।


एफ बी आई, वॉरेन कमीशन और हाउस सिलेक्ट कमिटी ऑन असैसिनेशन ने आधिकारिक तौर पर यह निष्कर्ष पेश किया की ऑस्वाल्ड एकमेव हत्यारा था।

हत्यारा सपना के दुष्ट चाचा सरकार नाथ (डी के सप्रू) थे जो कुमार और सपना के प्यार के खिलाफ थे और इसलिए उन्होंने कुमार को मारने की योजना बनाई।

उदाहरण के तौर पर अरबी में क्-त्-ल् (मारना) धातु से बीच में स्वर घुसाने पर कई नये शब्द बनते हैं, जैसे : कत्ल (हत्या), कातिल (हत्यारा), कित्ल (दुश्मन) और यक्तुल (वो मारता है)।

एक हत्यारा या एक तुच्छ जीव अपना ही कोई फिर से जन्मा पूर्वज भी हो सकता है इसलिए उनकी भी सहायता करनी चाहिए।

felons's Usage Examples:

I think it's only fair to tell you that the trapped men are convicted felons serving a twenty year term for armed robbery.

Felons twice convicted may not be pardoned except on the recommendation of a majority of the judges of the supreme court.

The worst feature is the indiscriminate association sometimes seen of all inmates, bond and free, the convicted and accused; even witnesses against whom there is no shadow of a charge are sometimes imprisoned among felons.

He had become an incurable hypochondriac. He said long after that he had been mad all his life, or at least not perfectly sane; and, in truth, eccentricities less strange than his have often been thought ground sufficient for absolving felons and for setting aside wills.

In the state reformatory at Elmira (which, like that at Napanoch, is for men between sixteen and thirty years of age who have been convicted of a state prison offence for the first time only), the plan of committing adult felons on an indeterminate sentence to be determined by their behaviour was first tested in America in 1877, and it has proved so satisfactory that it has been in part adopted for the state prisons.

All male citizens over twenty-one years of age and resident in the state for one year and in the county or election precinct for six months immediately preceding election (except paupers, idiots, lunatics, felons, United States soldiers, marines and seamen, and persons who have taken part, either as principal or second, in fighting a duel or in sending a challenge) have the right of suffrage.

The citizens of London having suffered from the depredations of thieves and felons who escaped into Southwark, petitioned parliament for protection.

From the Conquest or even earlier they had, besides various lesser rights - (1) exemption from tax and tallage; (2) soc and sac, or full cognizance of all criminal and civil cases within their liberties; (3) tol and team, or the right of receiving toll and the right of compelling the person in whose hands stolen property was found to name the person from whom he received it; (4) blodwit and fledwit, or the right to punish shedders of blood and those who were seized in an attempt to escape from justice; (5) pillory and tumbrel; (6) infangentheof and r L outfangentheof, or power to imprison and execute felons; (7) mundbryce (the breaking into or violation of a man's mund or property in order to erect banks or dikes as a defence against the sea); (8) waives and strays, or the right to appropriate lost property or cattle not claimed within a year and a day; (9) the right to seize all flotsam, jetsam, or ligan, or, in other words, whatever of value was cast ashore by the sea; (10) the privilege of being a gild with power to impose taxes for the common weal; and (11) the right of assembling in portmote or parliament at Shepway or Shepway Cross, a few miles west of Hythe (but afterwards at Dover), the parliament being empowered to make by-laws for the Cinque Ports, to regulate the Yarmouth fishery, to hear appeals from the local courts, and to give decision in all cases of treason, sedition, illegal coining or concealment of treasure trove.

says that the lands of convicted felons shall be handed over to the lords of such lands and not kept by the king beyond a year and a day.

An instant afterward he had closed the door behind us, and we had become felons in the eyes of the law.


thug, stealer, gaolbird, moonshiner, lawbreaker, raper, rapist, drug trafficker, machinator, abductor, contrabandist, mobster, murderer, treasonist, firebug, fugitive from justice, parolee, probationer, plotter, drug peddler, hood, hoodlum, extortionist, coconspirator, racketeer, smuggler, criminal, blackmailer, gangster, highjacker, snatcher, desperate criminal, pusher, strong-armer, suborner, accessory, bootlegger, outlaw, tough, moll, jail bird, violator, law offender, repeater, scofflaw, fugitive, moon curser, habitual criminal, recidivist, incendiary, punk, malefactor, peddler, jailbird, mafioso, conspirator, arsonist, toughie, desperado, goon, gun moll, principal, highbinder, gangster"s moll, moon-curser, traitor, runner, kidnaper, accessary, liquidator, drug dealer, hijacker, kidnapper, thief, crook, manslayer, extortioner, briber,


unimportant, unsupportive, liberator, straighten, straight line,

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