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fatally Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

fatally ka kya matlab hota hai



सांघातिक रूप से आदि, प्राणघातक रूप से,

fatally शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

জজজ दोनों क्लबों के समर्थकों अजाक्स-समर्थक कार्लो पिचोर्निए प्राणघातक रूप से घायल हो गया था जहां बेवेर्विक्ज्, के पास एक मैदान पर मिलने जब निम्नतम बिंदु, 23 मार्च 1997 पर पहुँच गया था, इस घटना को आमतौर पर 'बेवेर्विज्क् की लड़ाई' के रूप में जाना जाता है।

30 अप्रैल 1837 को लड़ी अंतिम लड़ाई में अफगान हारे, लेकिन हरि सिंह नलवा प्राणघातक रूप से घायल हो गया था।

fatally's Usage Examples:

Her failure was due partly to the commercial jealousy of Corinth working on the dull antipathy of Sparta, partly to the hatred of compromise and discipline which was fatally characteristic of Greece and especially of Ionian Greece, and partly also to the lack of tact and restraint shown by Athens and her representatives in her relations with the allies.

But even in this crowning triumph the cramping egotism of his nature - a mental vice which now grew on him rapidly - fatally narrowed his outlook and led him to commit an irretrievable blunder.

At the very beginning of the siege Sir Henry Lawrence was fatally wounded by a shell, and died on the 4th of July, thus depriving the defence of its guiding spirit.

At Bombay, in March 1898, a riot begun by Mahommedan weavers was not suppressed until several Europeans had been fatally injured.

He came to the throne at a time when the attacks of the Greeks in Cilicia, and of Zengi on Edessa, were fatally weakening the position of the Franks in northern Syria; and from the beginning of his reign the power of the Latin kingdom of Jerusalem may be said to be slowly declining, though as yet there is little outward trace of its decay to be seen.

Time after time His life is threatened before the feast is ended, and when the last passover has come we can well understand, what was not made sufficiently clear in the brief Marcan narrative, why Jerusalem proved so fatally hostile to His Messianic claim.

A stroke of paralysis in 1894 fatally weakened him, but he continued at work till his death on the 22nd of March 1900.

Terry to fight the duel with the United States senator David C. Broderick which ended fatally for the latter.

So fatally were the internal affairs of that magnificent but unhappy country bound up with concerns which brought the forces of the civilized world into play.

Stewart was fatally wounded, an advance was made at 3 P.M.

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