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exorcists Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

exorcists ka kya matlab hota hai


अपरिवर्तित पश्चिमी चर्च में मामूली आदेशों में से एक लेकिन अब रोमन कैथोलिक चर्च में दबा दिया गया है


जादू देनेवाला,

exorcists शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

डॉ० गौरीशंकर हीराचन्द ओझा का यह तर्क बड़ा सटीक प्रतीत होता है।

पृथ्वीराज-विजय : संपादक गौरीशंकर हीराचंद ओझा, अजमेर ;।

इसलिए उपर्युक्त मतों का खण्डन बड़े ही समवेत स्वर में भारतीय विचारक डॉ० राजबली पाण्डेय, डॉ० गौरीशंकर हीराचन्द ओझा तथा डॉ० ए० सी० दास आदि ने किया है।

उनकी प्रारम्भिक शिक्षा-दीक्षा श्री मधुसूदन ओझा एवं शशिधर "तर्क चूड़ामणि" के निर्देशन में जयपुर मे प्रारंभ हुई।

इसके अलावा महेश्वरी समाज की और भी खापें और खन्ने हैं जैसे दम्माणी, करनाणी, सुरजन, धूरया, गांधी, राईवाल, कोठारी, मालाणी, मूथा, मोदी, मोह्त्ता, फाफट, ओझा, दायमा आदि।

श्रीप्रकाश ओझा (भौतिक विज्ञान)।

हिन्दी नाटक : उद्भव और विकास (गूगल पुस्तक ; लेखक - डॉ दशरथ ओझा)।

জজজमाननीय भाईश्री रमेशभाई ओझा द्वारा संचालित संदीपनी विद्यानिकेतन एक आध्यात्मिक तौर पर चलाया जानेवाला विद्यालय है, जो एरपोर्ट से २ किमी दूर रांघावाव नमक गाँव के पास है।

बिना बपतिस्मा बच्चे की मौत, हिंसक अथवा अकाल मृत्यु या किसी भयंकर पापी की मौत (जैसे कि ओझा अथवा हत्यारे की मृत्यु) मृत्यु के पश्चात् आत्मा के अशुद्ध बने रहने के ये सारे आधारभूत कारण हो सकते थे।

माध्यमिक बँगला के प्रथम महाकवि, जिनके संबंध में हमे कुछ जानकारी है, संभवत: कृत्तिवास ओझा थे (जन्म लगभग 1399 ई.)।

गौरीशंकर हीराचंद ओझा

exorcists's Usage Examples:

The king was exorcised, and the exorcists of the kingdom were called upon to put stringent questions to the devils they cast out.

They speak of the ordination of bishops (the so-called Clementine Liturgy is that which is directed to be used at the consecration of a bishop, cc. 5-15), of presbyters, deacons, deaconesses, subdeacons and lectors, and then pass on to confessors, virgins, widows and exorcists; after which follows a series of canons on various subjects, and liturgical formulae.

This, so far as its potestates ordinis are concerned, is divided into seven orders: the three " major orders " of bishops and priests, deacons, and subdeacons (bishops and priests forming two degrees of the ordo sacerdotium), and the four " minor orders " of acolytes, exorcists, readers, and door-keepers.

Tertullian, while speaking of readers and exorcists, says nothing about acolytes; neither does St Augustine.

He pours scorn upon the exorcists - who were clearly in league with the demons themselves - and upon the excesses of the itinerant and undisciplined "prophets" who roam through cities and camps and commit to everlasting fire cities and lands and their inhabitants.

Nor was the knowledge confined to these pious circles; the name continued to be employed by healers, exorcists and magicians, and has been preserved in many places in magical papyri.

The Latins, and Armenians who have borrowed from the Latins, have subdeacons, acolytes, exorcists, readers and doorkeepers.

But readers and exorcists claim 3 " Fixed attention " on the deacon's ministration, the ministration itself being much more ancient.

These are 46 presbyters, 7 deacons, 7 subdeacons, 42 acolytes, 52 exorcists and readers, together with doorkeepers.

This theory of disease disappeared sooner than did the belief in possession; the energumens (EVEp-yoiwEvoc) of the early Christian church, who were under the care of a special clerical order of exorcists, testify to a belief in possession; but the demon theory of disease receives no recognition; the energumens find their analogues in the converts of missionaries in China, Africa and elsewhere.

exorcists's Meaning':

one of the minor orders in the unreformed Western Church but now suppressed in the Roman Catholic Church


necromancer, thaumaturge, magician, sorcerer, wizard, thaumaturgist, exorciser,



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