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exiling Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

exiling ka kya matlab hota hai



निर्वासित व्यक्ति, देश-निष्कासन,


देश से निकालना, निर्वासित करना,

exiling शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

सन् 1918 ई० में हंगरी की सोवियत क्रांति के बाद उन्हें जन-संस्कृति मंत्री के रूप में भी पदस्थापित किया गया था, परंतु कुछ समय बाद प्रतिक्रांतिकारी ताकतों के द्वारा जब सत्ता पर कब्जा कर लिया गया तो अनेक अन्य लोगों की तरह लुकाच भी एक निर्वासित व्यक्ति की तरह मॉस्को में जीवन व्यतीत करने लगे।

देश-निष्कासन के बाद वे लंदन चले गए, जहाँ उनकी मृत्यु १९६९ को हुई।

exiling's Usage Examples:

A general weariness of civil war gave plenty of opportunity after this to the agents of Mazarin, who in order to facilitate peace made a pretence of exiling himself for a second time to Bouillon.

He imprisoned priests who refused to accept the bull Unigenitus, and he met the opposition of the parlement of Paris by exiling forty of its members.

In November the emperor put an end to the angry debates which ensued in the assembly by dissolving it, exiling the Andradas to France, and convoking a new assembly to deliberate on a proposed constitution more liberal than the former project.

When his brother, the younger Don John of Austria, a natural son of Philip IV., obtained power by exiling the queen mother from court he insisted that at least the king's hair should be combed.


deport, kick out, expatriate, throw out, expel,


citizenry, voter, freewoman, civilian, repatriate,

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