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ethane Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

ethane ka kya matlab hota hai




ethane शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

यह शासन व्यवस्था एथेन्स में क्लाइस्थेनीज के संविधान से मिलती-जुलती थी।

जिस प्रकार एथेन्स जैसी छोटी इकाई ने फारस की बलवती शक्ति को 'मेरोथन' में पराजित किया था, उसी प्रकार मेवाड़ जैसे छोटे राज्य ने मुगल राज्य के वृहत सैन्यबल को दिवेर में परास्त किया।

औद्योगिक विकास एथेन्स तथा सोलोनिका के आसपास है।

कार्बन डाइआक्साइड CO2- रंगहीन गंधहीन गैस जो जल के अतिरिक्त ऐसीटोन तथा एथेनाल।

गर्म जल में विलेय है किन्तु एथेनाल तथा ऐसीटोन में अविलेय है।

यूनानी लेखक नौक्रातिस के एथेन्यूस ने वर्णित किया कि कैसे राजा हीरोन II ने आर्किमिडीज़ को एक विशाल जहाज, सिराकुसिया (Syracusia) डिजाइन करने के लिए कहा, जिसे विलासितापूर्ण यात्रा करने के लिए, सामान की सप्लाई करने के लिए और नौसेना के युद्धपोत के रूप में प्रयुक्त किया जा सके।

उस प्रसंस्करण के द्वारा एटैन, प्रोपेन, butanes, pentanes और उच्च आण्विक वजन हाइड्रोकार्बन, तात्विक सल्फर, कार्बन डाइऑक्साइड, जल वाष्प और कभी कभी हीलियम और नाइट्रोजन जैसे उत्पादो को हटाते है।

इसी खंड में राष्ट्रीय राजधानी एथेन्स ग्रीस का प्रमुख बंदरगाह एवं औद्योगिक पिरोस आते हैं।

इनके अतिरिक्त एथेन्स में कई प्राविधिक तथा विदेशी विद्यालय हैं।

एथेन्स, स्पार्टा, मेसीडोनिया (मकदूनिया) इन्ही राज्यों में प्रमुख थे।

उसने मेगोरा, मिस्र, साएरीन, इटली और सिसली आदि देशों की यात्रा की तथा अन्त में एथेन्स लौट कर अकादमी की स्थापना की।

खनिज पदार्थों के विकासार्थ संयुक्तराष्ट्र द्वारा गठित उपसमिति (unrra) की सिफारिश (1947) के आधार पर 1951 ई. में एथेन्स के उपधरातलीय अन्वेषण केंद्र ने 1/50,000 अनुमाप पर ग्रीस के भूगर्भीय मानचित्र का निर्माण कार्य प्रारंभ किया।

इसके स्थलाकृती(टोपोग्राफ़ी) को अक़सर एथेन्स के ऐक्रोपौलिस से जोड़ कर देखा जाता है, और शायद इसी लिये कैल्टन पहाड़ी पर स्थित स्काॅटलैंड के राष्ट्रीय स्मारक को पार्थेनॅन की आकृती का बनाने की योजना थी।

उसने एथेन्स तथा स्पार्टा के राजा को हराया पर बाद में उसे सलामिस के पास हार का मुँह देखना पड़ा, जिसके बाद उसकी सेना बिखर गई।

ethane's Usage Examples:

If a solution of potassium acetate be electrolysed the products are ethane, carbon dioxide, potash and hydrogen; in a similar manner, normal potassium succinate gives ethylene, carbon dioxide, potash and hydrogen; these reactions may be represented: CH 3 �CO 2;K CH 3 CO 2 K' CH 2 �CO 2 1K CH 2 CO 2 K' --> I + + I I -i iI + CH 3 �CO 21 K CH 3 CO 2 K' CH 2 �CO 2 iK CH 2 CO 2 K' By electrolysing a solution of potassium ethyl succinate, KO 2 C�(CH 2) 2 CO 2 C 2 H 5, the KO 2 C� groups are split off and the two residues �(CH 2) 2 CO 2 C 2 H 5 combine to form the ester (CH2)4(C02C2H5)2.

Again, anode reactions, such as are observed in the electrolysis of the fatty acids, may be utilized, as, for example, when the radical CH3C02 - deposited at the anode in the electrolysis of acetic acid - is dissociated, two of the groups react to give one molecule of ethane, C 2 H 6, and two of carbon dioxide.

The identity of the four valencies of the carbon atom follows from the fact that the heats of combustion of methane, ethane, propane, trimethyl methane, and tetramethyl methane, have a constant difference in the order given, viz.

In methane and ethane the hydrogen atoms are of equal value, and no matter which one may be substituted by another element or group the same compound will result.

This compound may be considered as derived from methane, CH 4, by replacing a hydrogen atom by the monovalent group CH 3, known as methyl; hence ethane may be named " methylmethane."

Three such compounds are possible according to the number of valencies acting directly between the carbon atoms. Thus, if they are connected by one valency, and the remaining valencies saturated by hydrogen, we obtain the compound H 3 C CH 3, ethane.

By his own investigations and those of Sir Edward Frankland it was proved that the radical methyl existed in acetic acid; and by the electrolysis of sodium acetate, Kolbe concluded that he had isolated this radical; in this, however, he was wrong, for he really obtained ethane, C 2 H 6, and not methyl, CH 3.

We derived this substance from ethane by introducing a meth y l group; hence it may be termed " methylethane."

Thus ethane gives H3C CH2 CH3, propane; ethylene gives H 2 C:CH CH 3, propylene; and acetylene gives HC: C CH 3, allylene.

These last two compounds are termed unsaturated, whereas ethane is saturated.

I + + I I -i iI + CH 3 �CO 21 K CH 3 CO 2 K' CH 2 �CO 2 iK CH 2 CO 2 K' By electrolysing a solution of potassium ethyl succinate, KO 2 C�(CH 2) 2 CO 2 C 2 H 5, the KO 2 C� groups are split off and the two residues �(CH 2) 2 CO 2 C 2 H 5 combine to form the ester (CH2)4(C02C2H5)2.

Again, anode reactions, such as are observed in the electrolysis of the fatty acids, may be utilized, as, for example, when the radical CH3C02 - deposited at the anode in the electrolysis of acetic acid - is dissociated, two of the groups react to give one molecule of ethane, C 2 H 6, and two of carbon dioxide.

The identity of the four valencies of the carbon atom follows from the fact that the heats of combustion of methane, ethane, propane, trimethyl methane, and tetramethyl methane, have a constant difference in the order given, viz.

In methane and ethane the hydrogen atoms are of equal value, and no matter which one may be substituted by another element or group the same compound will result.

This compound may be considered as derived from methane, CH 4, by replacing a hydrogen atom by the monovalent group CH 3, known as methyl; hence ethane may be named " methylmethane."

Three such compounds are possible according to the number of valencies acting directly between the carbon atoms. Thus, if they are connected by one valency, and the remaining valencies saturated by hydrogen, we obtain the compound H 3 C CH 3, ethane.

By his own investigations and those of Sir Edward Frankland it was proved that the radical methyl existed in acetic acid; and by the electrolysis of sodium acetate, Kolbe concluded that he had isolated this radical; in this, however, he was wrong, for he really obtained ethane, C 2 H 6, and not methyl, CH 3.

We derived this substance from ethane by introducing a meth y l group; hence it may be termed " methylethane."

Thus ethane gives H3C CH2 CH3, propane; ethylene gives H 2 C:CH CH 3, propylene; and acetylene gives HC: C CH 3, allylene.

These last two compounds are termed unsaturated, whereas ethane is saturated.



paraffin, alkane series, C2H6, alkane, hydrocarbon, methane series, paraffin series,

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