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epidermic Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

epidermic ka kya matlab hota hai


या एक छल्ली या कटिसुला से संबंधित


अधिचर्मिक, बाह्यात्वचाभ,

epidermic शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

विषाक्त अधिचर्मिक निक्रॉलाइसिस।

नैदानिक अर्बुदविज्ञान के अमेरिकन सोसायटी के 2008 के वार्षिक बैठक में शोधकर्ताओं ने घोषणा की कि कोलोरेक्टल कैंसर रोगी जिनके KRAS जीन में उत्परिवर्तन होते हैं, वे एक विशेष प्रकार के उपचार के प्रति कोई प्रतिक्रिया नहीं दिखाते, अधिचर्मिक वृद्धि कारक रिसेप्टर (EGFR) को जो रोकते हैं--उनका नाम एर्बीटक्स (सेटुक्सीमब) और वेक्टिबिक्स (पेनिटुमुमब) है।


epidermic's Usage Examples:

A, Early condition before the lens is deposited, showing the folding of the epidermic cell-layer into three.

- Section through a portion of the lateral eye of Limulus, showing three ommatidia - A, B and C. hyp, The epidermic cell-layer (so-called hypodermis), the cells of which increase in volume below each lens, 1, and become nerve-end cells or retinula-cells, rt; in A, the letters rh point to a rhabdomere secreted by the cell rt; c, the peculiar central spherical cell; n, nerve fibres; mes, mesoblastic skeletal tissue; ch, chitinous cuticle.

h, Epidermic cell-layer; mes, mesoblastic connective tissue; n, nerves; II, III, IV, V, depressions of the epidermis in each of which a cuticular lens will be formed.

It is found that in embryological growth the retinal layer of the central eyes forms as a separate pouch, which is pushed in laterally beneath the corneagen layer from the epidermic cell layer.

These horns, which are of a more or less conical form and usually recurved, and often grow to a great length (three or even four feet), are composed of a solid mass of hardened epidermic cells growing from a cluster of long dermal papillae.

Salicylic acid is used externally for the removal of corns and similar epidermic thickenings.

They are found one on each cephalic tentacle, and are simply minute open pits or depressions of the epidermis, the epidermic cells lining them being pigmented and connected with nerves (compare fig.

The setae ar ° invariably formed each within an epidermic cell, and they are sheathed in involutions of the epidermis.

Beneath the epidermis is a longitudinal layer of muscle-fibres which are separated into four distinct groups by the dorsal, ventral and lateral areas; these are occupied by a continuation of the epidermic layer; in the lateral areas run two thin-walled tubes with clear contents, which unite in the anterior part of the body and open by a pore situated on the ventral surface usually about a quarter or a third of the body length from the anterior end.

A single layer of epidermic cells, some of which are glandular, forms the outer layer.

epidermic's Meaning':

of or relating to a cuticle or cuticula

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