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engulfed Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

engulfed ka kya matlab hota hai

घिरा हुआ


निमग करना, निगल जाना,

engulfed शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

জজজ एक अन्य मौखिक विधि है गोल कागज़ में लपेट कर थोड़ी सी कोकेन को निगल जाना. इसे कभी-कभी अंग्रेज़ी में "स्नो बम" कहा जाता है।

लैटिन ग्लुट्यर ' से व्युत्पन्न 'ग्लूट्नी ', जिसका अर्थ गटक जाना या निगल जाना है, ग्लूट्नी (लैटिन,gula) का अर्थ नष्ट होने की अंतिम सीमा तक किसी वस्तु के प्रति अतिशय-आसक्ति एवं उसका अति-उपयोग है।

engulfed's Usage Examples:

It was the Revolution, which at one moment seemed finally to have engulfed the papacy, which in fact preserved it; Febronianism, as a force to be seriously reckoned with, perished in the downfall of the ecclesiastical principalities of the old Empire; Gallicanism perished with the constitutional Church in France, and its principles fell into discredit with a generation which associated it with the Revolution and its excesses.

Eventually this interesting church was engulfed by the rising tide of Mahommedan conquest, but not before one of their bishops, named Israel, had converted (677-703) the Huns who lay to the north of the Caspian and had translated the Bible and liturgies into their language.

Engulfed in his heat and scent, she relaxed.

Passing over the Cross Keys Wash, near Sutton Bridge, his baggage and treasure wagons were engulfed and he himself barely escaped with life.

She gurgled and choked, engulfed in terror.

He sighed contentedly as her warmth engulfed him.

Darkness engulfed me as I felt his foot kick my side repeatedly.

The lights flickered and then darkness engulfed the cabin.

His big hand engulfed hers gently, yet his grip was strong.

For a moment a pang of homesickness engulfed her.


center, plunge, centre, absorb, immerse, drink in, pore, concentrate, engross, soak up, rivet, steep, drink, focus,


soften, unclearness, obscurity, blur, skew,

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