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enacts Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

enacts ka kya matlab hota hai

अधिनियमित करता है


अभिनीत करना, क़ानून अमल में लाना, क़ानून का रूप बनाना, क़ानून बनाना, अभिनय करना,

enacts शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

केरल राज्य में राष्ट्रभाषा हिन्दी का प्रचार-प्रसार करने के लिए हिन्दी की छोटी-बड़ी सभी परीक्षाओं को संचालित करना, हिन्दी की पुस्तकें एवं पत्र-पत्रिकाएँ प्रकाशित करना तथा हिन्दी नाटकों को अभिनीत करना इस सभा के मुख्य उद्देश्य रहे हैं।


enacts's Usage Examples:

An act of 1697-1698, commonly called the Blasphemy Act, enacts that if any person, educated in or having made profession of the Christian religion, should by writing, preaching, teaching or advised speaking, deny any one of the Persons of the Holy Trinity to be God, or should assert or maintain that there are more gods than one, or should deny the Christian religion to be true, or the Holy Scriptures to be of divine authority, he should, upon the first offence, be rendered incapable of holding any office or place of trust, and for the second incapable of bringing any action, of being guardian or executor, or of taking a legacy or deed of gift, and should suffer three years' imprisonment without bail.

It enacts that: " The preceding canons shall in all cases be construed in accordance with the principles of the civil law of Scotland.

A "non-support law," which went into effect in 1906, enacts that a man who refuses to provide for his family when able to do so shall be committed to the workhouse for hard labour, and that fifty cents a day shall be paid to his family.

It enacts that India shall be governed by, and in the name of, the sovereign of England through a principal secretary of state, assisted by a council.

It enacts by-laws and ordinances, receives the reports of the local officials, passes their accounts, manages the town property, votes appropriations for each item of expenditure, and authorizes the necessary taxation.

The state board enacts by-laws for the administration of the system; its decision of controversies arising under the school law is final; it may suspend or remove a county superintendent for inefficiency or incompetency; it issues life state certificates, but applicants must have had seven years of experience in teaching, five in Maryland, and must hold a first-class certificate or a college or normal school diploma; and it pensions teachers who have taught successfully for twenty-five years in any of the public or normal schools of the state, who have reached the age of sixty, and who have become physically or mentally incapable of teaching longer, the pension amounting to "200 a year.

c. 12, § 2, enacts that" if any person ecclesiastical, or which shall have an ecclesiastical living, shall advisedly maintain or affirm any doctrine directly contrary or repugnant to any of the said articles, and by conventicle before the bishop of the diocese, or the ordinary, or before the queen's highness's commissioners in matters ecclesiastical, shall persist therein or not revoke his error, or after such revocation eftsoons affirm such untrue doctrine,"he shall be deprived of his ecclesiastical promotions.

(1547; repealed 1553, and revived 1558) enacts that persons reviling the sacrament of the Lord's Supper, by contemptuous words or otherwise, shall suffer imprisonment.

959 A) the notion of a future life seems to be treated as a salutary doctrine which is to be believed because the legislator enacts it (Plato, p. 146).

Each has its own judicial system, and enacts laws relating to the administration of justice, the distribution and imposition of taxes, and all matters affecting the province.


legislate, pass, reenact, ordain, decree,


decertify, disallow, invalidate, survive, be born,

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