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emmet Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

emmet ka kya matlab hota hai


संगठित उपनिवेशों में रहने वाले सामाजिक कीट; विशेष रूप से पुरुषों और उपजाऊ रानी प्रजनन के मौसम के दौरान पंख होते हैं; विंगलेस बाँझ महिलाएं श्रमिक हैं


चिंउंटी, चींटी,

emmet शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

लेपिडॉप्टरा (Lepidoptera) गण की 1. तितली (Butterfly) और 2. शलभ: (Moth) डिप्टरा (Diptera) गण की 3. मक्खी (House fly) तथा 4. मच्छर (Mosquito) साइफ़ोनेप्टरा (Siphoneptera) गण का 5. पिस्सू (flea) हाइमेनॉप्टरा (Hymenoptera) गण की मधुमक्खी: 6. श्रमिक, 7. रानी तथा 8. पुंमधुप और इसी गण की 9. ततैया (Wasp) तथा 10. चींटी

1930 के दशक में दक्षिण अमेरिका से उत्तर अमेरिका में आयात के बाद से आयातित लाल आग चींटी की जनसंख्या अपनी प्रादेशिक सीमा से आकस्मिकरूप से बढ़ गयी, जिसमें फ्लोरिडा सहित दक्षिणी संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका भी शामिल हैं।

हमारी परम्परा यही है कि भोजन थाली में आते ही चींटी, कुत्ता आदि का भाग उसमें से निकालकर पंचबलि करते हैं।

आर्मेडिलो एक विशाल चींटी-खोर जीव है।

पुरुष टेनिस खिलाड़ी चींटी या पिपीलिका एक सामाजिक कीट है, जो फ़ोरमिसिडाए नामक जीववैज्ञानिक कुल में वर्गीकृत है।

अग्नि चींटी (Solenopsis geminata) बहुत ही कलहप्रिय होती हैं और इसका अंश भयंकर जलन उत्पन्न करता है।

জজজ चावल के आटे के इस्तेमाल के पीछे यह मान्यता है कि चींटी को खाना खिलाना चाहिए।

मधुमक्खी, चींटी और दीमक की उड़ान इसके सामान्य उदाहरण हैं।

ये मूल चींटी प्रजातियों में सबसे अधिक आक्रामक होती हैं और इसका डंक बहुत दर्दनाक होता है।

अमेजन की घाटियों के निवासी सौबा (Sauba) और चींटी (अट्टा सेफालोटिस Attacephalotes) खाते हैं।

चींटी से लेकर हाथी तक सब प्राणी इस प्राण के ही आश्रित हैं।

विद्वानों का ऐसा विचार है कि एक जाति की चींटी अपना विशेष कवक उत्पन्न करती हैं।

स्त्रीलिंग- स्त्री जाति के बोधक शब्द जैसे- निर्मला, चींटी, पहाड़ी, खेलती है, काली बकरी दूध देती है आदि।

emmet's Usage Examples:

Some of Emmet's bolder proposals, such as a plan for capturing the commander-in-chief, were vetoed by the timidity of his associates, none of whom were men of any ability.

An elaborate plan of operations, which he described in detail in a letter to his brother after his arrest, had been prepared by Emmet, the leading feature of which was a simultaneous attack on the castle, the Pigeon House and the artillery barracks at Island bridge; while bodies of insurgents from the neighbouring counties were to march on the capital.

But a discovery by the government of concealed arms, and an explosion at one of Emmet's depots in Patrick Street on the 16th of July, necessitated immediate action, and the 23rd of that month was accordingly fixed for the projected rising.

The probability of a French invasion in August was increased by the renewal of the war in May, Emmet's brother Thomas being then in Paris in communication with Talleyrand and Bonaparte.

Emmet's lack of discretion was shown by his revealing his intentions in detail to an Englishman named Lawrence, resident near Honfleur, with whom he sought shelter when travelling on foot on his way to Ireland.

Among the latter was Lord Cloncurry, at one time on the executive of the United Irishmen, with whom Emmet dined the night before he left Paris, and to whom he spoke of his plans with intense enthusiasm and excitement.

The councils of the conspirators were weakened by divided opinions as to the ultimate aim of their policy; and no clearly thought-out scheme of operations appears to have been arrived at when Emmet left Paris for Ireland in October 1802.

Emmet went to Paris in October 1802, where he had an interview with Bonaparte which convinced him that the peace of Amiens would be of short duration and that a French invasion of England might be looked for in August 1803.

ROBERT EMMET (1778-1803), Irish rebel, youngest son of Robert Emmet, physician to the lord-lieutenant of Ireland, was born in Dublin in 1778, and entered Trinity College in October 1793, where he had a distinguished academic career, showing special aptitude for mathematics and chemistry, and acquiring a reputation as an orator.

Robert Emmet >>

emmet's Meaning':

social insect living in organized colonies; characteristically the males and fertile queen have wings during breeding season; wingless sterile females are the workers

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