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embers Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

embers ka kya matlab hota hai




embers शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

आरती और अंगारे (1958),।

|1975 || अंगारे || ||।

दिल्ली के लोग अंगारे 1986 में बनी हिन्दी भाषा की फिल्म है।

|1991 || फूल बने अंगारे || ||।

आरती और अंगारे (1958),।

|1993 || आँसू बने अंगारे || ||।

|1986 || अंगारे || ||।

यहाँ ओर विश्व प्रसिद्ध अग्नि नृत्य होता हैं जो धधकते अंगारो पर किया जाता हैं जो एक चमत्कार हैं जसनाथ जी महाराज का जो देखने लायक हैं अग्नि नृत्य के बीच फ़र्हे फ़र्हे(फतेह-फतेह) का घोष किया जाता हैं व साथ ही में सिंभुदड़ा का पाठन किया जाता हैं।

|1992 || अंगार || परवेज़ हुसैन ||।

|1991 || फूल बने अंगारे || डी रवि खन्ना ||।

|2004 || हलचल ||अंगार चन्द ||।

हिन्दी फ़िल्में अंगारे 1977 में बनी हिन्दी भाषा की फिल्म है।

अंगार- चिनगारी, अँगारा, दहकता हुआ कोयला, धुँआरहित कोयला।

|1977 || अंगारे || ||।

|1977 || अंगारे || ||।

अंगारे और धुआँ......।

|1986 || अंगारे || ||।

1963 में बनी हिन्दी फ़िल्म फ़ूल बने अंगारे १९६३ में बनी हिन्दी भाषा की फिल्म है।

इसके उत्तर में अंगारालैन्ड और दक्षिण में गोन्ड्वानालैन्ड नाम के दो भू - खन्ड थे ।

embers's Usage Examples:

Released from his religious obligations, Caesar now (81 B.C.) left Rome for the East and served his first campaign under Minucius Thermus, who was engaged in stamping out the embers of resistance to Roman rule in the province of Asia, and received from him the "civic crown" for saving a fellow-soldier's life at the storm of Mytilene.

One morning, between seven and eight, returning after a sleepless night, he sent for embers, changed his rain-soaked underclothes, said his prayers, drank tea, got warm, then tidied up the things on the table and in his own corner, and, his face glowing from exposure to the wind and with nothing on but his shirt, lay down on his back, putting his arms under his head.

The trampling out of the last embers of Danish particularism in the North was reserved for thelstans brothers and successors, Edmund and Edred (940955), who put down ~rn~nd.

He did stay a little longer; but the embers that still burnt in him refused to be covered up. He would fain have ceased writing, and used to say, "It's a great thing to know when to stop"; but he could not stop, and did not stop, till the last.

In one corner a piano perched silently, and the embers of a fire still cast a faint glow from a massive fireplace.

I thus warmed myself by the still glowing embers which the summer, like a departed hunter, had left.

After burning for twenty-four hours the smouldering embers were extinguished with libations of wine.

The wax is often heated in a little pot, resting in hot embers.

He felt as if he had swallowed the contents of an ashbin while embers still lived.

When his ministry began its fires were slowly dying down, though the embers still glowed.


fragment, coal,

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