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eavesdropping Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

eavesdropping ka kya matlab hota hai

छिपकर बात करना


कान पड़ जाना, छिपकर बातें सुनना,

eavesdropping's Usage Examples:

This initial study was more recently updated by Markus G. Kuhn: compromising emanations: eavesdropping risks of computer displays.

Any thoughts on NSA (the National Security Administration, whose domestic eavesdropping program has provoked a political firestorm )?

Garnet, it is true, claimed to limit the justification of equivocation to cases " of necessary defence from injustice and wrong or of the obtaining some good of great importance when there is no danger of harm to others," and he could justify his conduct in lying to the council by their own conduct towards him, which included treacherous eavesdropping and fraud, and also threats of torture.


tap, listen, wiretap, bug, listen in, intercept,


ride, deposit, disobey,

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