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donors Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

donors ka kya matlab hota hai



अपना लोहू देनेवाला, देनेवाला, दानी, दाता,

donors शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

विकास आनंद - नरेश को रिश्वत देनेवाला

इसे "कल्पवृक्ष" अर्थात् मनोवाछिंत फल देनेवाला भी कहते हैं शतपथ ब्राह्मण में आम की चर्चा इसकी वैदिक कालीन तथा अमरकोश में इसकी प्रशंसा इसकी बुद्धकालीन महत्ता के प्रमाण हैं।

हाइड्रेज़ोइक अम्ल (HN3) तीक्ष्ण गंध देनेवाला पदार्थ है (गलनांक - 80° सें., क्वथनांक 37° सें.)।

जहाँ कहने पर कोई ध्यान देनेवाला न हो वहाँ इसका प्रयोग होता है।

जो व्यक्ति हरी वनस्पति का छेदन करता है वह अपनी आत्मा को दंड देनेवाला है।

জজজ निचली रीढ़ वाले प्राणियों में (जल-स्थलचर, सरीसृप, पक्षी और मोनोट्रीम (monotreme) स्तनधारी (प्राचीनकालीन अंडे देनेवाला स्तनधारी), सम्भोग या मैथुन नर व मादा के क्लोएक (आंत के अंत में एक यौन, मल-मूत्र संबंधी छिद्र या नली) के शारीरिक संगमन के ज़रिए होता है।

(xxvi) देना, आना, पढ़ना , गाना + वाला देनेवाला, आनेवाला, पढ़नेवाला , गानेवाला आदि ।

भारतविभाजन को ब्लॉक ने अंग्रेजों का भारत और पाकिस्तान को सदा के लिए शक्तिहीन कर देनेवाला षड्यंत्र बताया।

जगत का न तो कोई कर्ता है और न जीवों को कोई सुख दुःख देनेवाला है।

(हँसकर) तुम समझ गए कि मैं चोरों को दंड देनेवाला राजा हूँ।

दक्षिणा न देनेवाला ब्रह्मस्वापहारी, अशुचि, दरिद्र, पातकी, व्याधियुक्त तथा अन्य अनेक कष्टों से ग्रस्त हो जाता है, उसकी लक्ष्मी चली जाती है, पितर उसका पिंड नहीं स्वीकार करते और उसकी कई पीढ़ियों, आगे तथा पीछे उसके परिवारिकों को अधोगति मिलती है (ब्रह्मवै., प्रकृति. 42 वाँ अध्याय) आदि विधानों और भयों की उत्पत्ति के पीछे एक प्रधान कारण था।

(२) दुष्टों को दंड देनेवाला;।

donors's Usage Examples:

During the early 1990s, under pressure from western aid donors, the Moi government was finally forced to concede to a multi-party democracy.

They had geometric patterns with birds, trees, 'c., and bore inscriptions in mosaic with the names of the donors.

The People's Palace, Mile End Road, opened in 1887, is both a recreative and an educational institution (called East London College) erected and subsequently extended mainly through the liberality of the Drapers' Company and of private donors.

By a decree of 1842 this fund was transferred to the public treasury of Mexico, the Mexican government undertaking to pay interest thereon in perpetuity in furtherance of the design of the original donors.

The latter give the names of the donors of particular portions of the architectural ornamentation, and most of them are written in the characters used before and after the time of Asoka in the middle of the 3rd century B.C. The monuments are Buddhist, the bas-reliefs illustrate passages in the Buddhist writings, and the inscriptions make use of Buddhist technical terms. Some of the smaller topes give us names of men who lived in the Buddha's time, and others give names mentioned among the missionaries sent out in the time of Asoka.

Morgan Library; Williston Hall, containing the Mather Art Museum, the rooms of the Young Men's Christian Association, and several lecture-rooms; Walker Hall, with college offices and lecture-rooms; Hitchcock Hall; Barrett Hall (1859), the first college gymnasium built in the United States, now used as a lecture hall; the Pratt Gymnasium and Natatorium and the Pratt Health Cottage, whose donors also gave to the college the Pratt Field; an astronomical observatory; and the two dormitories, North College and South College, supplemented by several fraternity houses.

This altarpiece was afterwards replaced at Frankfort (all except the protraits of the donors, which remained behind) by a copy, while the original was transported to Munich, where it perished by fire in 1674.

The period is closed, so far as paintings are concerned, by two examples of far higher value than those above named, that is to say the Paumgartner altarpiece at Munich, with its romantically attractive composition of the Nativity with angels and donors in the central panel, and the fine armed figures of St George and St Eustace (lately freed from the over-paintings which disfigured them) on the wings; and the happily conceived and harmoniously finished "Adoration of the Magi" in the Uffizi at Florence.

It was therefore to Byzantium that Italy turned for metal-workers, and especially for goldsmiths, when, in the 6th to the 8th centuries, the basilica of St Peter's in Rome was enriched with masses of gold and silver for decorations and fittings, the gifts of many donors from Belisarius to Leo III., the mere catalogue of which reads like a tale from the Arabian Nights.

They generally were built where property had been left by the donors to foreign orders to pray for their souls.


settlor, bestower, subsidizer, helper, tipper, altruist, contributor, giver, philanthropist, benefactor, abnegator, subscriber, subsidiser, conferrer, presenter, trustor, Indian giver, almsgiver,


nonworker, captor, bad person,

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