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dominicans Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

dominicans ka kya matlab hota hai


एक रोमन कैथोलिक फ्राइयर डोमिनिकन आदेश के काले मेंटल पहने हुए

dominicans शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

लेकिन उसके धार्मिक रुझान ने उसके माता-पिता के स्वप्न को चकनाचूर कर दिया और उसने 1244 ई॰ में ’डोमिनिकन सम्प्रदाय‘ की सदस्यता स्वीकार कर ली।

डोमिनिकन गणराज्य के सबसे सफल बेसबॉल टीम Licey टाइगर्स Bengals उपनाम कर रहे हैं।

यह ग्रेटर एल्तिलिअन द्वीपसमूह में हिस्पानिओला द्वीप पर डोमिनिकन गणराज्य के साथ स्थित है।

यहाँ से संयुक्त राज्य अमरीका, जमैका, डोमिनिकन गणतंत्र एवं पोर्टोरीक को वायुसेवाएँ हैं।

| १९६२ || बेनिन (तब दाहोमी), डोमिनिकन गणराज्य, अल साल्वाडोर, मंगोलिया।


* +1-809 and +1-829 डोमिनिकन गणराज्य।

आज जीना में बाल्टिक एम्बर जीवाश्मों (प्रारंभिक ओलिगोसीन) में 56% पीढ़ी और डोमिनिकन एम्बर जीवाश्म (जाहिरा तौर पर जल्दी मिओसीन) में 9 2% प्रजाति शामिल है।

||लियोनार्डो दा विन्ची द्वारा "द लास्ट सपर" के साथ सांता मारिया डेले ग्राज़ी के चर्च और डोमिनिकन कॉन्वेंट।

इसके उत्तर में अटलांटिक महासागर, पश्चिम में विंडवर्ड पैसेज, दक्षिण में कैरेबीयन सागर और पूर्व में डोमिनिकन गणतंत्र स्थित हैं।

स्पेनिश अर्जेंटीना, बोलीविया, चिली, कोलंबिया, कोस्टा रिका, क्यूबा, डोमिनिकन रिपब्लिक, इक्वेडोर, एल साल्वाडोर, ग्वातेमाला, होंडुरास, मेक्सिको, निकारागुआ, पनामा, पैराग्वे, पेरू, उरुग्वे और वेनेज़ुएला की वास्तविक या विधि सम्मत भाषा है।

dominicans's Usage Examples:

(1) A community of friars at Cambridge, in 1257, whose habit was distinguished from that of the ordinary Dominicans by a five-rayed red star (in reference to Matt.

In England the chief orders of friars were distinguished by the colour of their habit: thus the Franciscans or Minors were the Grey Friars; the Dominicans or Preachers were the Black Friars (from their black mantle over a white habit), and the Carmelites were the White Friars (from their white mantle over a brown habit): these, together with the Austin Friars or Hermits, formed the four great mendicant orders - Chaucer's "alle the ordres foure."

The two great orders, Franciscans and Dominicans, were in the vigour of youth, and had already begun to take the lead in theological discussion.

A good example of the dependence of prelacy on jurisdiction is found in those religious orders, such as the Dominicans, where authority is strictly elective and temporary.

The course of events is traced in the article Dominicans.

The Order of Dominicans grew out of the little band of volunteers that had joined Dominic in his mission among the Albigenses.

His philosophical position was determined, or at least very greatly influenced, by the antagonism between the Dominicans and the Franciscans.

The doctrine long continued to be one of the main subjects in dispute between the Scotists and the Thomists, or, what is almost the same thing, between the Franciscans and the Dominicans.

This charge is denied by his apologists; and though his methods were attacked by good Catholics like Johann Hass, he was elected prior of the Dominicans in Glogau in i 505.

His appointment as rector of a school at Buda was of no long continuance; his views excited the zeal of the Dominicans and he was thrown into prison.

dominicans's Meaning':

a Roman Catholic friar wearing the black mantle of the Dominican order


Dominican order, Black Friar, friar preacher, Blackfriar, friar, mendicant,



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