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distichs Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

distichs ka kya matlab hota hai


एक ही तरह के दो आइटम


दोहा, द्विचरण,

distichs शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

गीत कवित्त दोहा आदि मुक्तक होते हैं।

रत्नावली ने जो दोहा कहा था वह इस प्रकार है:।

दोहा, सोरठा, बरवै, कवित्त और सवैया उनके प्रिय छंद हैं।

रामचरितमानस के बालकाण्ड के दोहा क्रमांक ३५ से दोहा क्रमांक ४२ में तुलसीदास जी ने इस सरोवर के स्वरूप का वर्णन किया है।

रामललानहछू (1582), वैराग्यसंदीपनी (1612), रामाज्ञाप्रश्न (1612), जानकी-मंगल (1582), रामचरितमानस (1574), सतसई, पार्वती-मंगल (1582), गीतावली (1571), विनय-पत्रिका (1582), कृष्ण-गीतावली (1571), बरवै रामायण (1612), दोहावली (1583) और कवितावली (1612)।

रहीम दोहावली, बरवै, नायिका भेद, मदनाष्टक, रास पंचाध्यायी, नगर शोभा आदि।

दोहावली का मूल पाठ (विकीस्रोत पर)।

इस शब्द का प्रयोग "हुडिब्रास" के लिए भी हुआ था जिसी उन बड़े अटपटे द्विचरणी छंदों में रचना हुई थी जिनका प्रयोग आगे चलकर सभी प्रहासकों के लिए स्वीकृत हो गया था।

इन नदियों में साहिबी, दोहान, कृष्णावती और इंदौरी शामिल हैं।

उन्होंने बालक रूप में आकर तुलसीदास से कहा-"बाबा! हमें चन्दन चाहिये क्या आप हमें चन्दन दे सकते हैं?" हनुमान ‌जी ने सोचा, कहीं वे इस बार भी धोखा न खा जायें, इसलिये उन्होंने तोते का रूप धारण करके यह दोहा कहा:।

दोहावली में अधिकांश दोहे मानस के हैं।

'nbsp;'nbsp;'nbsp;घ.'nbsp;'nbsp;'nbsp; काकभुशुण्डि की विस्तृत कथा का वर्णन तुलसीदास जी ने रामचरितमानस के उत्तरकाण्ड के दोहा क्रमांक ९६ से दोहा क्रमांक ११५ तक में किया है।

यह दोहा सुनते ही उन्होंने उसी समय पत्नी को वहीं उसके पिता के घर छोड़ दिया और वापस अपने गाँव राजापुर लौट गये।

दोहावली दोहा संकलन है।

distichs's Usage Examples:

This collection of distichs, written in collaboration with Schiller, was prompted by the indifference and animosity of contemporary criticism, and its disregard for what the two poets regarded as the higher interests of German poetry.

Such are Konunga-tal, Hugsvinnsmal (a paraphrase of Cato's Distichs), Merlin's Prophecy (paraphrased from Geoffrey of Monmouth by Gunnlaug the monk), Jomsvikinga-drapa (by Bishop Ketil), and the Islendinga-drapa, which has preserved brief notices of several lost sagas concerning Icelandic worthies, with which Gudmundar-drapa, though of the 14th century, may be also placed.

But all these poems are surpassed in length by the 33,000 distichs of the Shakinsha/mnama by the poet-laureate of Fatly All Shah of Persia (1797-1834), and the 40,000 distichs of the Georgenama, a poetical history of India from its discovery by the Portuguese to the conquest of Poona by the English in 1817.

Al~mad al-Asadi, the author of the oldest Persian glossary, who completed in 1066 (458 A.H.), in upwards of 9000 distichs, the Gars/zaslrnama, or marvellous story of tlie warlike feats and love adventures of Garshasp, one of Rustams ancestors.

In 1011, after thirty-five years of unremitting labor, he accomplished his gigantic task, and wrote the last distichs of the immortal S/iahnama, that glorious monument of Eastern genius and learning, as Sir W.

This is a collection of "Reimspruche" or rhymed distichs embodying a strange mystical pantheism drawn mainly from the writings of Jakob Bdhme and his followers.

In the Musenalmanach were also published the "Xenien" (1797), a collection of distichs by Goethe and Schiller, in which the two friends avenged themselves on the cavilling critics who were not in sympathy with them.

(1188 A.D.), he completed his Diwan, or collection of kasidas and ghazals (mostly of an ethical and parenetic character), which are said to have numbered 20,000 distichs, although the few copies which have come to us contain only a very small number of verses.

The first novel printed in America was Franklin's reprint in 1744 of Pamela; and the first American translation from the classics which was printed in America was a version by James Logan (1674-1751) of Cato's Moral Distichs (173J).

Among the most noteworthy works of Bared are the Uj mertekre vett kulomb versek (Kassa, 1777), comprising hexameter verses, Horatian odes, distichs, epistles and epigrams; the Paraszti Majorsag (Kassa, 1779-1780), an hexameter version of Vaniere's Praedium rusticum; and an abridged version of "Paradise Lost," contained in the Koltemenyes munkaji (Komarom, 1802).

distichs's Meaning':

two items of the same kind


pair, dyad, twain, doubleton, duo, yoke, mate, brace, couple, duet, fellow, two, 2, deuce, couplet, duad, span, twosome, II,


disjoin, divide, disarrange, unyoke, outspan,

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