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directness Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

directness ka kya matlab hota hai



स्पष्टोक्ति, निष्कपटता, सफ़ाई, सरलता, सादगी,

directness शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

किंतु निष्कपटता, मनोहर संगीतमयता, कोमलकांत पदावली एवं अभिव्यक्तियों की सुगमता से पढ़नेवाली सामान्य जनता के मध्य उन्हें प्रिय बना दिया।

निष्कपटता शब्द का उपयोग सामान्यतः किसी व्यक्ति के भावों को व्यक्त करने के लिए किया जाता है।

इस से उसकी निष्कपटता ख़त्म हो गई और आदम और हव्वा को एक-दूसरे को देखकर शर्म महसूस होने लगी।

बीमा अनुबंध का दूसरा प्रमुख आधार सद्भाव एवं निष्कपटता है।

यह एक निराली स्पष्टोक्तिपूर्ण शैली में रचित ग्रन्थ है।

'दि हाइंड ऐंड दि पैंथर' जिसमें ड्राइडेन के केथोलिक धर्म की ओर परिवर्तित विचारधारा का न्यायोचित निदेशन है, ड्राइडेन का सुप्रसिद्ध धार्मिक घोषणापत्र है और अपनी स्पष्टता, तर्कपद्धति एवं निष्कपटता के लिये इसकी अधिक ख्याति है।

उसमें साहसिक निर्भीकता, निरुत्तर कर देने वाली निष्कपटता थी।

२०वीं सदी की कवयित्रियों में सारा टीज़डेल (१८९४-१९३३) और एड्ना सेंट विंसेंट मिले (१८९२-१९५०) अपने सानेटों और आत्मपरक गीतों की स्पष्टोक्तियों के लिए प्रसिद्ध हैं।

directness's Usage Examples:

But the chief peculiarity of his speech was its directness and appositeness.

The plainness and directness, both of thought and of expression, which characterize Homer were doubtless qualities of his age; but the author of the Iliad (like Voltaire, to whom Arnold happily compares him) must have possessed the national gift in a surpassing degree.

His Gentle Shepherd, by its directness of impression and its appreciation of country life, anticipates the attitude of the school which broke with neo-classical tradition.

His satire is incisive, but in a scholarly and humanistic way; it does not appeal to popular passions with the fierce directness which enabled the master of Catholic satire, Thomas Murner, to inflict such telling blows.

per £, it has been felt more heavily, and at this height is decidedly less elastic. As regards this tax at least there is no question of its "directness" in a sense, .as it is so contrived that it can hardly be passed on by those who are struck at, though they are not always the same as those who pay in the first instance, as has already been pointed out.

The things that each most admired in the other were selfreliance, directness, moral courage.

Completely "useless" knowledge becomes impossible, though the uses of knowledge may still vary greatly in character, in directness, and in the extent and force of their appeal to different minds.

He tells his fable and draws the moral with businesslike directness and simplicity; his language is terse and clear, but thoroughly prosaic, though it occasionally attains a dignity bordering on eloquence.

I have stated plainly what our grievances are, and I shall answer with equal directness the question, What do we want?

His work, which extends from 1591 (1000) to 1659 (Iwo), contrasts strongly with that of the earlier historian, being written with great directness and lucidity, combined with much vigour and picturesqueness.


immediateness, direct, downrightness, straightforwardness, straightness, indirect, pointedness, characteristic, immediacy,


incompatibility, mediate, immediate, dishonesty, disingenuousness,

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