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diorite Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

diorite ka kya matlab hota hai


एक दानेदार क्रिस्टलीय घुसपैठ रॉक

diorite शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

इसका निर्माण नीस, डायोराइट आदि चीकाप्रधान व अम्लरहित चट्टानों द्वारा होता है।

शहर के बाहर डलरेडियन काल (लगभग 480-600 मिलियन साल पहले) में बनी कायांतरित/आग्नेय समष्टियां हद से अधिक फैली हुई हैं, साथ ही छिटपुट क्षेत्रों में आग्नेय डायोराइट ग्रेनाईट भी पाए गए, जैसे कि रुबिस्लाव खदान में, जिसका शहर के विक्टोरियाई हिस्से के निर्माण के समय इस्तेमाल किया गया था।

ऐंफ़िबोल के खनिज आग्नेय और रूपांतरित (मेटामार्फ़िक) शिलाओं में पाए जाते हैं, जैसे डायोराइट, ऐंफ़ीबोलाइट, आदि शिलाओं में।

जिन शिलाओं में धातुएँ मिलती हैं वे अत्यंत कठोर होती हैं, जैसे ग्रैनाइट, डायोराइट आदि।


ये चट्टानें अधिकांशतः टोनालाइट, ट्रोन्डजेमाइट या ग्रैनोडायोराइट होती हैं, जो कि ग्रेनाइट जैसी बनावट वाली चट्टानें हैं (अतः ऐसी भौगोलिक संरचनाओं को टीटीजी-टेरेन कहा जाता है). टीटीजी-मिश्रणों को पहली महाद्वीपीय परत के अवशेषों के रूप में देखा जाता है, जिनका निर्माण बेसाल्ट में आंशिक गलन के कारण हुआ।

diorite's Usage Examples:

Meanwhile (1877-1881) the French consul, de Sarzec, had been excavating at Tello, the ancient Lagash, and bringing to light monuments of the pre-Semitic age, which included the diorite statues of Gudea now in the Louvre, the stone of which, according to the inscriptions upon them, had been brought from Magan, the Sinaitic peninsula.

Besides huge masses of old schists and sandstones, the range contains extensive limestone, marble, diorite, basalt and porphyry formations, while granite prevails on its southern slopes.

Gabbro occurs in the peninsula of Fethland; diorite in Northmavine between Rinas Voe and Mavis Grind; and epidote-syenite in Dunrossness.

In later days, in the time of the Sargonid kings of Akkad or the monarchs of Ur, stones such is granite, basalt, diorite and dolerite were probably brought from the Sinaitic peninsula, if not from the western desert of Egypt, if the Red Sea coast is to be identified, as seems very probable, with Magan, " the place to which ships went," the land whence the Babylonians got some of their first stones for sculpture and architecture.

Magnetite is a mineral of wide distribution, occurring as grains in many massive and volcanic rocks, like granite, diorite and dolerite.

With the J urassic beds is associated an extensive series of eruptive rocks (gabbro, peridotite, serpentine, diorite, granite, 'c.); they are chiefly of Jurassic age, but the eruptions may have continued into the Lower Cretaceous.

The lodes occur in Silurian metamorphic micaceous schists, intruded by granite, porphyry and diorite, and traversed by numerous quartz reefs, some of which are gold-bearing.

Celts, of the usual late neolithic type, were generally of green jasper; hoe-blades (looking almost exactly like palaeolithic haches a main) of chert or coarse limestone; hammers of granite; mace-heads, of identical type with the early Egyptian, of diorite and limestone; nails of obsidian or smoky quartz, often beautifully made.

A diorite statuette, referable by its style and inscription to Dynasty XIII., was discovered in deposit of Period II.

Serpentine appears later, and diorite towards the close of the prehistoric ages.

diorite's Meaning':

a granular crystalline intrusive rock

diorite's Meaning in Other Sites