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dethronement Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

dethronement ka kya matlab hota hai


किसी को भी छोड़ने का कार्य; एक स्थिति या कार्यालय से एक शक्तिशाली व्यक्ति को हटा रहा है


सिंहासन च्युति, धूल में मिलाना,

dethronement's Usage Examples:

to the dethronement of Nicephorus Botaneiates by Alexius.

Gloucester even contemplated the dethronement of the king, but found that in this matter he could not rely on the support of his associates, one of whom was Henry, earl of Derby, the duke of Lancaster's son.

A subsequent revolution at the Persian court led to the dethronement of Chosroes in favour of his son Kavadh II.

When invited to head a rebellion against the latter, he sent his son with a fleet which reached Constantinople unopposed, and precipitated the dethronement of Phocas.

In his account, however, of the quarrel between Casimir and Olesnicki concerning the question of priority between the cardinal and the primate of Poland he warmly embraced the cause of the former, and even pronounced Casimir worthy of dethronement.

About the same time a revolution broke out which resulted in King Pagan's dethronement.

Nevertheless he cheerfully gave his voice in 1814 for the dethronement of his patron, and his "suppleness" merited a seat in the chamber of peers, and, in 1817, the dignity of a marquisate.

A reactionary movement started in April 1909 was promptly suppressed by the Young Turks through the military occupation of Constantinople by Shevket Pasha and the dethronement of Abd-ul-Hamid, who was succeeded by his younger brother Reshad Effendi under the title of Mahommed V.

In the demand for the reinstatement of the dismissed ministers were found the means of humiliation, and the prelude to the dethronement, of the king.

A treasonable senate secretly plotting his dethronement, a mutinous diet rejecting the most necessary reforms for fear of "absolutism," ungrateful allies who profited exclusively by his victories - these were his inseparable companions during the remainder of his life.

dethronement's Meaning':

the act of deposing someone; removing a powerful person from a position or office

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