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desertions Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

desertions ka kya matlab hota hai



कर्तव्य छोड़कर भागना, अपसरण, परित्याग,

desertions शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

জজজ इस नीचे से ऊपर बढ़ती चौड़ाई को जहाज का अपसरण (flare अथवा flam) कहते हैं।

अत: किसी श्रेणी का अभिसरण, या अपसरण अपूर्ण योगों {Sn} के अनुक्रम के अभिसरण, या अपसरण, पर निर्भर होता है।

गैर-काली सतहों से निपटने के क्रम में आदर्श काले-पदार्थ के व्यवहार का अपसरण ज्यामितीय संरचना और रासायनिक समिश्रण दोनों द्वारा निर्धारित होता हैं और यह भी तय होना चाहिए लगभग कृष्णिका का विकरणशील संतुलन वर्तमान हो।

प्रतिबल प्रदिश का अपसरण निम्न प्रकार लिखा जा सकता है।

आधुनिक भू-आकृति विज्ञान, किसी ग्रह के सतह पर सामग्री के प्रवाह के अपसरण का अध्ययन है और इसलिए तलछट विज्ञान के साथ निकट रूप से संबद्ध है, जिसे समान रूप से उस प्रवाह के अभिसरण के रूप में देखा जा सकता है।

मिलेनोविक की टिप्पणी है कि "देशों के अभिसरण या अपसरण पर विद्वानों के सैंकडों कागजात ' पिछले दशक में, जिनमें आय पर हमारी जानकारी के आधार प्रकाशित हुए, अब गलत आंकड़े है।

हरात्मक श्रेणी का अपसरण विरोधाभास का एक स्पष्ट उदाहरण है।

इसकी जंघा दो बंधोंवाली तथा सादी है और उसके उपर छत स्तूपाकार है, जो क्रमशः अपसरण करती हुई दिखती है।

सर्वेक्षण उपकरण, जैसे कि चौरस और थियोडोलाइट कोणीय अपसरण, क्षैतिज, लम्बरूप और ढलान दूरियां का उपयोग सटीक मापन के लिए किया जाता है।

यह प्रमाण हरात्मक श्रेणी के अपसरण के ओरेस्मे प्रमाण का व्यापकीकरण है।

संरक्षी किनारा वह है जिसके सहारे दो प्लेटे एक दूसरे को रगड़ते हुए गतिशील हों, अर्थात न तो अपसरण हो रहा हो न ही अभिसरण।

desertions's Usage Examples:

There were many desertions and occasional symptoms of mutiny, but for the most part the soldiers bore their suffering with heroic fortitude.

Divorces were not permitted before 1868 and the provisions of the constitution of that year and of an act of 1872, permitting divorce (for adultery or for wilful desertions for two years) were repealed in 1878.

The government was directly interested in maintaining their efficiency and in preventing migrations and desertions which led to a weakening of the taxpaying communities.

Abandoned first by England and then by Holland, the emperor, notwithstanding these desertions, still wished to maintain the war in Germany; but Eugene was unable to relieve either Landau or Freiburg, which were successively obliged to capitulate; and seeing the Empire thus laid open to the armies of France, and even the Austrian hereditary states themselves exposed to invasion, the prince counselled his master to make peace.

Once indeed, in 409, they are said to have crossed the Danube and invaded Bulgaria under perhaps the same chief (Uldin), but extensive desertions soon compelled a retreat.

In place of advancing on Edinburgh, they dallied round Stirling castle in futile siege, and, on the news :of Cumberland's advance, alarmed by desertions which they appear to have greatly exaggerated, the chiefs compelled Charles to a fresh retreat.

Invited by Pope Formosus to deliver him from the power of Guido III., duke of Spoleto, who had been crowned emperor, Arnulf went to Italy in 894, but after storming Bergamo and receiving the homage of some of the nobles at Pavia, he was compelled by desertions from his army to return.

The conquest of Serbia, however, once more closed the ranks of the Yugosla y s, who saw in unity their sole hope for the future: and the desertions to the Entente which were so marked a feature of the first winter, became so rife as to render necessary a drastic revision of the Austro-Hungarian regimental system.

Financially the colony was successful, but as there were some desertions and no new recruits after Father Oswald's death, there were few members by 1909.

If it was to halt the remorseless rise in the number of desertions, then there is little sign it had any demonstrable effect.


withdrawal, abandonment, absence without leave, decampment, deviationism, defection, unauthorized absence, abscondment,


stand still, unbolt, unlock, arrive, acceptance,

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