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denouncing Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

denouncing ka kya matlab hota hai



आगम कहना, भविष्यद्वाणी करना, पेशीनगोई करना, डांटना, धमकी देना, धमकाना, सूचित करना, अभियोग लगा देना, अभियोग लगाना, इलज़ाम लगाना, निंदा करना, दोषारोपण करना, इलज़ाम लगा देना, आरोप लगाना, आरोप लगा देना,

denouncing's Usage Examples:

He soon saw that this would be impossible unless there were a general reform of all institutions, and therefore gave his support to the policy of the advanced party in the Assembly, denouncing the conduct of Louis XVI., and on the 10th of August 1792 voting in favour of his deposition.

issued a statement denouncing the Commission.

Gregory XIV., by the bull Ecclesiae Christi (July 28, 1591), again confirmed the Society, and granted that Jesuits might, for true cause, be expelled from the body without any form of trial or even documentary procedure, besides denouncing excommunications against every one, save the pope or his legates, who directly or indirectly infringed the constitutions of the Society or attempted to bring about any change therein.

A speech, denouncing the projected incorporation of Schleswig and Holstein with Denmark, delivered in the Chamber of Baden on the 6th of February 1845, spread his fame beyond the limits of his own state, and his popularity was increased by his expulsion from Prussia on the occasion of a journey to Stettin.

Here the diet passed a resolution denouncing the dual system and demanding the restoration of the union of the empire.

In the interval he was restlessly active in parliament in denouncing naval abuses, and was also, most disastrously for himself, led into speculations on the Stock Exchange, by which he was brought at the beginning of 1814 into pressing danger of total ruin.

The state of morals is mirrored in the canons denouncing prevalent vices.

Luther's colleague at Wittenberg, Carlstadt, began denouncing the monastic life, the celibacy of the clergy, the veneration of images; and before the end of 1521 we find the first characteristic outward symptoms of Protestantism.

They filled newspapers with articles denouncing it, wrote virulent pamphlets against it, and burned Jay in effigy.

by a national agitation, denouncing him as an accomplice of the foreigner.


knock, decry, fulminate, condemn, pick apart, criticise, rail, excoriate, reprobate, objurgate, criticize,


approbate, accept, incorrupt, flatter, praise,

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