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deism Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

deism ka kya matlab hota hai




deism शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

सन्दर्भ हिन्दू धर्म में ईश्वर, इहलोक, व्यक्त, राज्ञा, के अस्तित्व में, विशेषत: ईश्वर के अस्तित्व में विश्वास का नाम आस्तिकता है।

घर में आस्तिकता का वातावरण रहे।

यह प्रकाशित आस्तिकता के सिद्धांतों पर था, जो प्राचीन वेदों पर आधारित था।

इसमें आस्तिकता के पक्ष में बहुत सबल तर्क दिये गये हैं।


नरक को व ईश्वर के उपदेशों और आस्तिकता से शून्य दूषित अंत: करण की संज्ञा देते हैं।

उन्हें ईश्वर और आस्तिकता में जरा भी विश्वास नहीं था।

उनके अनुसार, “आस्तिकता-नास्तिकता और धर्म ग्रंथों में उलझे बगैर मनुष्य मात्र के शारीरिक, मानसिक, चारित्रिक, बौद्धिक स्वभाव को उच्चतम संभावित बिंदु तक विकसित करने के लिए प्रतिपादित ज्ञान और सेवा ही धर्मनिरपेक्षता है”।

आस्तिकता मनुष्य को पाप करने से रोकती है और कुकर्मों के फलस्वरूप मिलने वाले विविध विध शोक-सन्तापों से, अनिष्ट संकटों से बचाती है।

आस्तिकता के अंतर्गत एक यह प्रश्न भी उठता है कि ईश्वर एक है अथवा अनेक।

यह एक अलंकारिक वाक्य हे | ब्रह्म तो अनंत हे | उस ब्रह्म के सद विचार, सद प्रवृत्तियां आस्तिकता जिस जनसमुदाय से अभिव्यक्त होती हे उसे ब्राहमण कहा गया हे |।

deism's Usage Examples:

If the word " deism " emphasizes a negative element - rejection of church Christianity - " theism " generally emphasizes the positive element - belief in God.

In 1744 we find him, in anticipation of a vacancy in the chair of moral philosophy at Edinburgh university, moving his friends to advance his cause with the electors; and though, as he tells us, " the accusation of heresy, deism, scepticism or theism, 'c., 'c., was started " against him, it had no effect, " being bore down by the contrary authority of all the good people in town."

See, further, Theism; Deism; ATheism; Absolute.

The Contrat social was obviously anti-monarchic; the Nouvelle Heloise was said to be immoral; the sentimental deism of the "Profession du vicaire Savoyard" in Emile irritated equally the philosophe party and the church.

The first deals with mere party questions without sincerity and without depth; and the second, composed as an amusement in retirement without any serious preparation, in their attacks on metaphysics and theology and in their feeble deism present no originality and carry no conviction.

His visiting espionage, as unkind critics put it - his secret diplomatic mission, as he would have liked to have it put himself - began in the summer of 1722, and he set out for it in company with a certain Madame de Rupelmonde, to whom he as usual made love, taught deism and served as an amusing travelling companion.

When the existence of God is denied (atheism), or His nature is declared unknowable (agnosticism), or He is identified with nature itself (pantheism), or He is so distinguished from the world that His free action is excluded from the course of nature (deism), miracle is necessarily denied.

Deism now taught that reason,.

(I) It appears for the first time in 18th-century English as an occasional synonym for " deism " (q.v.), and therefore as applying to those who believed in God but not in Christianity.

In such an atmosphere, deism readily uttered its protest against mysterious revelation.


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