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defiantly Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

defiantly ka kya matlab hota hai



मुंहजोरी से, अवज्ञापूर्वक, उद्धत होकर,

defiantly's Usage Examples:

"Who accuses me?" asked the kitten, defiantly.

She met his somber gaze defiantly.

Others have defiantly refused, continuing to live with their struggles.

The warmth grew into a flame and she tossed her head defiantly.

And you looked me over defiantly.

She met his puzzled gaze defiantly.

She met his gaze defiantly.

"Scat," he ordered, and the Bird Song occupants all slowly complied—all but Fred O'Connor who defiantly sat on the bed, taking notes.

When Frontenac answered defiantly, Phips attacked the place; but he was repulsed and in the end sailed away unsuccessful.

She met his gaze defiantly for a moment longer, but he made no attempt to argue.


contumaciously, rebelliously,

defiantly's Meaning in Other Sites