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decontaminate Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

decontaminate ka kya matlab hota hai

संक्रामण मुक्त करना

संदूषण से छुटकारा


कीटाणुरहित करना, संक्रामक रोगाणुओं से मुक्त करना, कीटाणुराहित कर लेना, शुद्ध करना,

decontaminate's Usage Examples:

decontaminate carry a full range of clean up, containment and decontaminating equipment this service is available 24 hours a day.

These products can also be used to decontaminate garden tools and other items that have come in contact with the plant oil.

Initially he worked for a university spinout developing novel systems to decontaminate complex effluents.

decontaminate used for decontaminating any area with blood spillage.

decontaminate patients under supervision of medical personnel.

decontaminate's Meaning':

rid of contamination


cleanse, clean,


contaminate, nazify, dirty,

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