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debasement Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

debasement ka kya matlab hota hai



गर्व पर प्रहार करना, अपमानित करना, नीचा दिखाना, नीच स्थिति, मानमर्दन, अधोगति,

debasement शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

10. अनुसूचित जाति, अनुसूचित जनजाति के किसी सदस्य को जानबूझकर जनता की नजर में जलील कर अपमानित करना, डराना।

" यह न तो राजनीतिक या रणनीतिक है बल्कि "मोचन का कार्य" का अर्थ "ईश्वर के आधिपत्य को नकारने वाले को अपमानित करना और उनका वध करना है"।

नतीजा ये हुआ कि विरोधियों को अपमानित करना या गंदी बातें कहना "अपशब्दों की प्रवृत्ति" के रूप में जाना जाने लगा।

दुकान का मालिक, दोनों के अपनी देशी भाषा में बातचीत करने से नाराज हो जाता है और फरहद को ओसामा कहते हुए और 9/11 से संबंधित घटना के अन्य संदर्भ उससे जोड़ते हुए उन्हें अपमानित करना शुरू कर देता है।

मौखिक और भावनात्मक हिंसा ( जैसे अपमानित करना, गालियाँ देना, चरित्र और आचरण पर आरोप लगाना, लड़का न होने पर प्रताड़ित करना, दहेज के नाम पर प्रताड़ित करना, नौकरी न करने या छोड़ने के लिए मजबूर करना, आपको अपने मन से विवाह न करने देना या किसी व्यक्ति विशेष से विवाह के लिए मजबूर करना, आत्महत्या की धमकी देना इत्यादि),।

জজজ पोलिनेशिया के मार्क्विसास द्वीपों की सघन आबादी संकरी घाटियों में केंद्रित थीं और ये योद्धा जनजातियां थीं, जो कभी-कभी अपने शत्रुओं का नरभक्षण किया करतीं. मेलानेशिया के कुछ हिस्सों में, 20वीं सदी के आरंभ तक विभिन्न कारणों से नरभक्षण जारी रहा था, इसमें बदला, शत्रु को अपमानित करना, या मृत व्यक्ति के गुणों को खुद में समाहित करना शामिल है।

debasement's Usage Examples:

Exactions, debasement of the currency and extortionate taxation were ruinous palliatives, and insufficient to supply a treasury which the revenue from crown lands and various rights taken from the nobles could not fill even in times of peace.

Systematic debasement of the coinage was practised both in India, where the monetary system was extremely complex, 2 and in Portugal; and owing to the bullionist policy adopted by Portuguese financiers little permanent benefit accrued to the mother country from its immense trade.

His father, however, checked this ambition, declaring that, though he had five sons, he would not suffer one of them to enter the church in its then state of corruption and debasement.

He had taught his child to whistle, dined with his servants, talked of "worldly things such as baking, brewing, enclosing, ploughing and mining," preferred walking to riding, and denounced the debasement of the coinage.

Tc such a depth of debasement had the ceramic art fallen in Owari, that before the happy renaissance of the past ten years, Nagoya discredited itself by employing porcelain as a base for cloisonn enamelling.

But the prevalence of the worship of " other gods " and of graven images in these " high places," and the moral debasement of life which accompanied these cults, made it clear that the " high places " were sources of grave injury to Israel's social life.

In order to cover this recourse was had as usual, not to remedies, but to palliatives worse than the evil: heavy usurious loans, debasement of the coinage, creation of stocks that were perpetually being converted, and ridiculous charges which the bourgeois, sickened with officialdom, would endure no longer.

The moral influence of the queen's personal character over the Castilian court was incalculably great; from the debasement and degradation of the preceding reign she raised it to being "the nursery of virtue and of generous ambition."

In the scarcity of money Charles had recourse to the debasement of the coinage, which suffered no less than twenty-two variations in the two years before the treaty of Bretigny.

the unity of the political world and the debasement of its moral life.


popularisation, bastardization, impairment, subversion, brutalisation, bastardisation, demoralization, corruption, deadening, constipation, demoralisation, vulgarisation, profanation, vulgarization, brutalization, barbarization, animalization, barbarisation, change of state, animalisation, dehumanisation, stultification, popularization, humiliation, dehumanization, degradation, abasement,


corrupt, incorruptness, honesty, interesting, finish,

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