cumbrous Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)
cumbrous ka kya matlab hota hai
आकार या वजन के कारण विशेष रूप से संभाल या उपयोग करना मुश्किल है
गरु, दुखदायक, भारी, बोझीला,
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cumbrous शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:
ये सारी घटनाएँ गान्धी के जीवन में एक मोड़ बन गईं और विद्यमान सामाजिक अन्याय के प्रति जागरुकता का कारण बनीं तथा सामाजिक सक्रियता की व्याख्या करने में मददगार सिद्ध हुईं।
इसी भावना का सम्मान करते हुए थाईलैंड का राष्ट्रीय प्रतीक गरुड़ है।
हिंदू पौराणिक कथाओं में गरुड़ को विष्णु की सवारी माना गया है।
एक बार वन में आखेट खेलते हुए पाण्डु के बाण से एक मैथुनरत मृगरुपधारी ऋषि की मृत्यु हो गयी।
| गरुड़पुराण || उन्नीस हजार।
चीनियों ने इन पुर्तगालियों को असभ्य तथा दुखदायक माना।
शाही अन्दाज में बने इस द्वार के ऊपर देवी काली और गरुड़ की प्रतिमाएँ लगी हैं।
इसके प्रवक्ता विष्णु और श्रोता गरुड हैं, गरुड ने कश्यप को सुनाया था।
गिरिवर गरुअपयोधर परसित।
फिर भी इधर का राष्ट्रीय चिन्ह गरुड़ है।
(१७) गरुडपुराण : यह वैष्णवपुराण है।
'विष्णुपुराण' के अनुसार अठारह पुराणों के नाम इस प्रकार हैं—ब्रह्म, पद्म, विष्णु, शैव (वायु), भागवत, नारद, मार्कण्डेय, अग्नि, भविष्य, ब्रह्मवैवर्त, लिङ्ग, वाराह, स्कन्द, वामन, कूर्म, मत्स्य, गरुड और ब्रह्माण्ड।
गरुड़ के लिए कहा जाता है कि वह आधा पक्षी और आधा पुरुष है।
cumbrous's Usage Examples:
Recently the practice of driving rolls by electricity has been growing, the advantage being that each pair of rolls can be driven independently without the intervention of cumbrous shafting.
At the same time her undisguised impatience of the cumbrous court etiquette shocked many people, and her taste for pleasure led her to seek the society of the comte d'Artois and his young and dissolute circle.
Moreover, freedom of trade and of travel has been promoted by a reform of the antiquated, cumbrous, and too often futile methods of quarantine - a reform as yet very far from complete, but founded upon a better understanding of the nature and propagation of disease.
His main object, however, like that of Brougham, was the amelioration of the law, more by the abolition of cumbrous technicalities than by the assertion of new and striking principles.
His writings, which are chiefly theological and controversial, are largely formed of charges to his clergy, and sermons on different topics; but, though valuable and full of thought, they lose some of their force by the cumbrous German structure of the sentences, and by certain orthographical peculiarities in which the author indulged.
Neither system completely differentiates long and short vowels; the Nestorian scheme is the more satisfactory, though more cumbrous.
A triennial parliament, a cabinet, a privy council, and an elaborate judicial system were established, and the cumbrous machinery was placed in the hands of a " prime minister," a retired Wesleyan missionary, Mr Shirley Baker.
The cumbrous wooden carts which afford the sole means of transport in many districts are generally drawn by oxen, although buffaloes may be seen in the south.
mercury calx was LJ .3 Bergman's symbolism was obviously cumbrous, and the system used in 1782 by Lavoisier was equally abstruse, since the forms gave no clue as to composition; for instance water, oxygen, and nitric acid werev 4), and e-f.
It was cumbrous and but little calculated to arouse patriotic sentiments in its citizens.
cumbrous's Meaning':
difficult to handle or use especially because of size or weight
cumbersome, unwieldy, unmanageable,
wieldy, felicitous, graceful, practical,