culminate Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)
culminate ka kya matlab hota hai
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culminate शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:
জজজऊर्जा व संवेग, द्रव्य व विकिरण का नैज गुणधर्म है और यह परिणाम निकलना असम्भव है कि विशिष्ट आपेक्षिकता के दो मूलभूत अभिग्रिहितों से वे अपने आप चतुर्सदिश रूप में प्राप्त होंगे, क्योंकि ये (अभिगृहीत) पदार्थ अथवा विकिरण के विषय में नहीं बताते, बल्कि समष्टि (दिक्) व समय (काल) के बारे में बताते हैं।
culminate's Usage Examples:
In the Old Testament many laws in the Mosaic legislation are certainly post-Mosaic and the value of not a few narratives lies, not in their historical or biographical information, but in their treatment of law, ritual, custom, belief, 'c. Later developments are exemplified in the pseudepigraphical literature, notably in the Book of Jubilees, and when we reach the Mishnah and Talmud, we have only the first of a new series of stages which, it may be said, culminate in the 16th-century Shulhan `Aruk, the great compendium of the then existing written and oral law.
Unfortunately the events of his age are shrouded in obscurity, but one can recognize the return of exiles from Babylon to Jerusalem and its environs - now half-Edomite - and various internal rivalries which culminate in the Samaritan schism.'
Ranges of rugged hills, broken by deep narrow gorges and by the wider valley of Mink Brook, rise near the river and culminate in the E.
Its ideals culminate in Josiah (§ 16, end), and there is a strong presumption that it is intended to impress upon the new era the lessons drawn from the past.
They culminate in the peak of Dos-megen-ora at an altitude of 20,000 ft.
The northern part of Albacete belongs to the high plains of New Castile, the southern is generally mountainous, traversed by low ranges or isolated groups of hills, which culminate in the Sierra de Alcaraz on the borders of Granada, where several summits reach 5000 ft.
The Revolution had made war on princes and privilege, and the common people had in general gained wherever the Napoleonic rgime had been substituted for their effete despotisms; but the Continental System was felt as an oppression in every humble household, suddenly deprived of the little imported luxuries, such as sugar and coffee, which custom had made necessaries; and from this time date the beginnings of that popular revolt against Napoleon that was to culminate in the War of Liberation.
end of the park are the Red Mountains, which culminate in Mt.
The series of topics will culminate in an exhibition later in the year.
The day will culminate with a presentation to members of Parliament.
finish, climax, cease, top, end, crown, terminate, stop,
activeness, action, activity, go on, begin,