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cubans Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

cubans ka kya matlab hota hai




cubans शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

* फ़िडेल कैस्ट्रो, क्यूबा

पेसो - आर्जेन्टीना, चीली, कोलोंबिया, क्यूबा, डोमेनिकन गणराज्य, मेक्सिको, फिलिपिंस, उरुग्वे।

क्यूबा के विशिष्ट होने के नाते, हवाना एक उष्णकटिबंधीय जलवायु का अनुभव करते हैं।

हवाना फ्लोरिडा कुंजी के दक्षिण में क्यूबा के उत्तरी तट पर स्थित है, जहां मेक्सिको की खाड़ी अटलांटिक महासागर में शामिल हो जाती है।

* Ernesto 'Che' Guevara, क्यूबा

वर्तमान महापौर कम्युनिस्ट पार्टी ऑफ क्यूबा (पीसीसी) के मार्टा हर्नैन्डेज़ हैं।


साल्सा क्यूबा से एक समधर्मी नृत्य शैली है।

कैरेबियन सागर में स्थित यह देश क्यूबा से १४५ किमी दक्षिण, हैती से १९० किमी पश्चिम में स्थित है।

हवाना (स्पेनिश: ला हबाना [la aβana]) क्यूबा की राजधानी, सबसे बड़ा शहर, प्रांत, प्रमुख बंदरगाह, और प्रमुख वाणिज्यिक केंद्र है।

यह शहर क्यूबा सरकार का केंद्र है, और विभिन्न मंत्रालयों, व्यवसायों के मुख्यालय और 90 से अधिक राजनयिक कार्यालयों का घर है।

क्यूबा २० अप्रैल १९९५ (गैट: १ जनवरी १९४८)।

में एक मुख्य शक्ति बन गयी जो पूरे विश्व में फ़ैली: पूर्वी युरोप, चीन, इन्डोचीन और क्यूबा

cubans's Usage Examples:

Cabrera, Cuba y sus Jueces (Havana, 1887; 9th ed., Philadelphia, 1895; 8th ed., in English, Cuba and the Cubans, Philadelphia, 1896); P. de Alzola y Minondo, El Problema Cubano (Bilbao, 1898); various works by R.

During these three years the great majority of offices were filled by Cubans, and the government was made as different as possible from the military control to which the colony had been accustomed.

During and after the war of 1868-1878, when many Cuban estates were confiscated, many families emigrated, and many others were ruined, the ownership of plantations largely passed from the hands of Cubans to Spaniards.

The pineapple is the most favoured by Cubans.

In 1873 the Cubans roughly estimated the population at 1,500,000 - of whom 500,000, or one-third, were slaves.

The manufacture of cigars and cigarettes (almost entirely of cigars, few cigarettes being manufactured), carried on chiefly by Cubans at Key West and Tampa, also increased in importance between 1890 and 1900, the products in the latter year being valued at "10,735,826, or more than one-quarter more than in 1890, and in 1905 there was a further increase of 56.2%, the gross value being "16,764,276, or nearly one-third of the total factory product of the state.

Sagasta's attempt to conciliate both the Cubans and the United States by a tardy offer of colonial home rule, the recall of General Weyler, and other concessions, did not avert the disastrous war with the United States and its catastrophe.

He was still in office when the final rising of the Cubans began in February 1895, and he had to resign in March because he could not find superior officers in the army willing to help him to put down the turbulent and disgraceful demonstrations of the subalterns of Madrid garrison against newspapers which had given offence to the military.

The principal product is cigars; most of the tobacco used is imported from Cuba, and the manufacturing is done chiefly by Cubans who live in a district known as Ybor City.

184), we have the Ustica cubans of Horace (Odes i.


West Indian, Cuba, Republic of Cuba,

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