coude Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)
coude ka kya matlab hota hai
नियमसंग्रह, ज़ाब्ता, संकेतावली, संकेत-लिपि, संहिता, कोड,
सांकेतिक शब्दों में बदलना,
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coude शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:
नियम और विनियम एकरूप नहीं थे, इसलिए आयोजन समिति को विभिन्न राष्ट्रीय एथलेटिक संघों के नियमसंग्रहो के बीच चुनना था।
coude's Usage Examples:
The observatory grounds were enlarged; two powerful instruments of the novel kind known as coude equatorials were installed; a spectroscopic department was established, and the gigantic task of re-observing all Lalande's stars was completed.
The mirrors of Lindemann's equatorial coude reflecting light downwards upon the mirror R would furnish an ideal siderostat for stellar spectroscopy in conjunction with a fixed horizontal telescope.
Thus, as in the equatorial coude, the observer remains in a fixed position looking down the polar tube from above.
The instrument in some respects resembles the equatorial equatorial coude of Loewy, but instead of two mirrors Camp there is only one.
3935); it consists in placing both the mirrors of Loewy's "equatorial coude" at the top of the polar axis instead of the lower end of it.
A modification of Loewy's equatorial coude has been suggested by Lindemann (Asir.
- Loewy's Coude Equatorial.
Sir David Gill tested the equatorial coude on double stars at the Paris Observatory in 1884, and his last doubts as to the practical value of the instrument were dispelled.
96, pp. 735-74 1, Loewy gives an account of an instrument which he calls an "equatorial coude," designed (I) to attain greater stability and so to measure larger angles than is generally possible with the ordinary equatorial; (2) to enable a single astronomer to point the telescope and make observations in any part of the sky without changing his position; (3) to abolish the usual expensive dome, and to substitute a covered shed on wheels (which can be run back at pleasure), leaving the telescope in the open air, the observer alone being sheltered.
First, this symple creature hadde myche trauaile, with diuerse felawis and helperis, to gedere manie elde biblis, and othere doctouris, and comune glosis, and to make oo Latyn bible sumdel trewe; and thanne to studie it of the newe, the text with the glose, and othere doctouris, as he m13te gete, and speciali Lire on the elde testament, that helpide ful myche in this werk; the thridde tyme to counseile with elde gramv riens, and elde dyuynis, of harde wordis, and harde sentenci, , hou tho m13ten best be vndurstonden and translatid; the iiij tyme to translate as cleerli as he coude to the sentence, anr: to haue manie gode felawis and kunnynge at the correcting of th,2 translacioun.