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cossack Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

cossack ka kya matlab hota hai


दक्षिणी यूरोपीय रूस और यूक्रेन और एशिया के आस-पास के एक स्लाव लोगों का एक सदस्य और उनके घुड़सवारों और सैन्य कौशल के लिए उल्लेख किया गया; उन्होंने Czarist रूस में एक कुलीन कैवेलरी कोर का गठन किया

cossack शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

1911 की बाहरी मंगोलियाई क्रांति के दौरान , उलियास्तई के सैन्य गवर्नर, उनके कर्मचारी और सैन्य गार्ड, कोसैक सैनिकों की सुरक्षा के तहत उलियास्तई किले से भाग गए।


cossack's Usage Examples:

He made Chigirin, his native place, the Cossack capital, subdivided the country into sixteen provinces, and entered into direct relations with foreign powers.

To save himself he hit upon the novel and terrible expedient of uniting the Tatars and the Cossacks Cossack in a determined onslaught upon the Republic, whose Rebellion of inward weakness, despite its brave outward show, 1648.

In 1670 Razin, while ostensibly on his way to report himself at the Cossack headquarters on the Don, openly rebelled against the government, captured Cherkask, Tsaritsyn and other places, and on the 24th of June burst into Astrakhan itself.

Among the more notable names are those of Nestor the chronicler, and Iliya of Murom, the Old Cossack of the Russian epics.

1671), Cossack hetman and rebel, whose parentage and date and place of birth are unknown.

The church of the Tithes, rebuilt in 1828-1842, was founded in the close of the 10th century by Prince Vladimir in honour of two martyrs whom he had put to death; and the monastery of St Michael (or of the Golden Heads - so called from the fifteen gilded cupolas of the original church) claims to have been built in 1108 by Svyatopolk II., and was restored in 1655 by the Cossack chieftain Bogdan Chmielnicki.

dying in 1868, soon after completing a history of the Cossack wars, Dwa lata dziejow naszych (" Two Years of Our History").

During the rebellion of the Cossack chief, Bogdan Chmielnicki (1640), the Poles took it by assault, killing 14,000 persons and burning 5000 houses.

The government is well provided with schools, especially on the Cossack territory.

Tell the Cossack to fetch my kit.

cossack's Meaning':

a member of a Slavic people living in southern European Russia and Ukraine and adjacent parts of Asia and noted for their horsemanship and military skill; they formed an elite cavalry corps in czarist Russia

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