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contrabassoon Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

contrabassoon ka kya matlab hota hai


बासून जो ओबो परिवार में सबसे बड़ा साधन है

contrabassoon's Usage Examples:

Recitative (" And God made the firmament ") Bass trombone and contrabassoon act as bass to wind band.

Aria (" Rolling in foaming billows ") Bass trombone doubles contrabassoon in tutti passages.

The double bassoon, or contrabassoon, sounds one octave lower.

Chorus and Trio (" Achieved is the glorious work ") Contrabassoon doubles second bassoon doubles second bassoon from bar 38.

contrabassoon's Meaning':

the bassoon that is the largest instrument in the oboe family

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