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consciences Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

consciences ka kya matlab hota hai



रूह, पुण्य-अपुण्य-विवेक,

consciences शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

इसके गीत मुजरूह सुल्तांनपुरी द्वारा रचित (अंतिम रचना सुलतान पुरी द्वारा) था।

पांडित्य-प्रदर्शन के कारण वह कुछ दुरूह हो गई है।

सिंहल भाषा बोलने-चालने के समय हमारी भोजपुरी आदि बोलियों की तरह प्रत्ययों की दृष्टि से बहुत ही आसान है, किंतु लिखने-पढ़ने में उतनी ही दुरूह

अंत में डॉ॰ भगवान्दास ने इस बात पर बल दिया है कि आदमी की रूह इन सबों में बड़ी है।

आत्मा क्या है? कहा से आई है? वजूद क्यों है? करना क्या है इतिहादी रूहानियत के विशे सिख प्रचार द्वारा पढाये जाते हैं।

दिल्ली से राष्ट्रीय राजमार्ग ८ द्वारा धारूहेडा और मानेसर होते हुए अलवर पहुंचा जा सकता है।

आशय का स्पष्ट होना जरूरी भी था क्योंकि ईश्वरी पुस्तक माने जाने वाले ग्रंथ में दुरूहता की कोई गुंजायश नहीं होनी चाहिए थी।

फलत: अर्थशास्त्र के प्रणेता बृहस्पति एवं लोकायत शास्त्र के प्रवर्त्तक में अन्तर कर पाना अत्यन्त दुरूह कार्य है।

(3) नबियों के ग्रंथ : यशयाह, जेरेमिया, विलापगीत, बारूह, ऐजेकिएल, अथवा यहेजकेल, दानिएल और बारह गौण नबी अर्थात् ओसेआ अथवा होशे, जोएल, योएल आमोस, ओबद्याह, योना, मिकेयाह, नाहूम, हाबाकुक, सोफ़ोनिया, हग्गै, जाकारिआ, मलाकी।


इसकी भाषा पंजाबी-भाषियों के लिये और अधिक दुरूह किन्तु हिन्दी-भाषियों के लिये भलीभाँति जानी-पहचानी है।

दिल्ली से अलवर (राष्ट्रीय राजमार्ग ८ से) धारूहेडा पहुँच कर बाएं भिवाडी की ओर मुडिए, थोड़ा आगे दायें भिवाडी-अलवर टोल मार्ग से आसानी से अलवर पहुंचा जा सकता है।

वैदिक भाषा जनमानस को अधिक दुरूह प्रतीत होने लगी थी, जबकि स्मृतियाँ लौकिक संस्कृत में लिखी गई थीं जिसे समाज सरलता से समझ सकता था तथा वे सामाजिक व्यवस्था के अनुरूप सिद्धांतप्रतिपादित करती थीं।

आलोचनात्मक शैली की अपेक्षा यह शैली अधिक गंभीर और दुरूह है।

consciences's Usage Examples:

The continued attacks upon the Presbyterians led him to publish his Short, Sober, Pacific Examination of Exuberances in the Common Prayer, as well as the Apology for Tender Consciences touching Not Bowing at the Name of Jesus.

To face the Riksdag with such a war as this upon their consciences was a trial from which the Hats naturally shrank; but, to do them justice, they showed themselves better parliamentary than military strategists.

This freedom of the will is clearly expressed in Yasna, 31, I I: "Since thou, 0 Mazda, didst at the first create our being and our consciences in accordance with thy mind, and didst create our understanding and our life together with the body, and works and words in which man according to his own will can frame his confession, the liar and the truth-speaker alike lay hold of the word, the knowing and the ignorant each after his own heart and understanding.

After the Restoration there began a persecution of Friends and other Nonconformists as such, notwithstanding the king's Declaration of Breda which had proclaimed liberty for tender consciences as long as no disturbance of the peace was caused.

He left Brussels for Breda, and issued in April 1660, together with the letters to the council, the officers of the army and the houses of parliament and the city, the declaration of an amnesty for all except those specially excluded afterwards by parliament, which referred to parliament the settlement of estates and promised a liberty to tender consciences in matters of religion not contrary to the peace of the kingdom.

They speak of the "breathing time" which they have had of late, and their hope that God would, as they say, "incline the magistrates' hearts so for to tender our consciences as that we might be protected by them from wrong, injury, oppression and molestation"; and then they proceed: "But if God withhold the magistrates' allowance and furtherance herein, yet we must, notwithstanding, proceed together in Christian communion, not daring to give place to suspend our practice, but to walk in obedience to Christ in the profession and holding forth this faith before mentioned, even in the midst of all trials and afflictions, not accounting our goods, lands, wives, children, fathers, mothers, brethren, sisters, yea, and our own lives, dear unto us, so that we may finish our course with joy; remembering always that we ought to obey God rather than men."

For the Society, as befitted the great exponent of authority and the keeper of the consciences of many kings, had always been on the side of political autocracy; and therefore it became increasingly unpopular, when once the tide of French intelligence began to set in the direction of revolutionary reform.

This was enough to trouble the consciences of many excellent men; and it became necessary to devise a compromise that should set their minds at rest, by showing them that they could be at once good citizens and good Catholics.

Kittens have no consciences, so they eat whatever pleases them.

A billion consciences sitting under the serene surface of the water.


superego, morals, moral sense, wee small voice, sense of right and wrong, small voice, voice of conscience, ethical motive, sense of duty, ethics, scruples, sense of shame, morality,


unrighteousness, immoral, wrongness, evil, pure,

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