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confidants Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

confidants ka kya matlab hota hai



अंतरंग मित्र, सहयोगी बनाना, विश्वास पात्र,

confidants शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

वे हुमायूँ के साढ़ू और अंतरंग मित्र थे।

ये अंतरंग मित्रता या दोस्ती के प्रतीक हैं।

१९५४ का महत्त्व इस लिये है कि १९५३ में उस समय के कश्मीर के वजीर-ए-आजम शेख़ अब्दुल्ला, जो जवाहरलाल नेहरू के अंतरंग मित्र थे, को गिरफ्तार कर बंदी बनाया था।

यह चाणक्य का अंतरंग मित्र था और ज्योतिषशास्त्र के अनुसार शुभ-अशुभ नक्षत्रों का बखान करता था।

1908 में अपनी अंतरंग मित्र इडा बेकर की सहायता से वह पिता को राजीकर इंग्लैण्ड जाने में सफल हुई और फिर कभी लौटकर न्यूजीलैंड नहीं आयी।


इन्हें गहन अंतरंग मित्रता या भाइयों के रूप में उल्लेख किया गया है।

पादप उत्पाद बसोपिएर फ्रांस्वाद (François de Bassompierre ; १५७९-१६४६) फ्रांस के राजा हेनरी चतुर्थ का यह एक दरबारी और अंतरंग मित्र था।

मनोज और विवेक अंतरंग मित्र हैं।

इसी वर्ष मैडोना गाइ रिची के साथ रिश्ता जोड़ बैठी जिससे वह अपने अंतरंग मित्रों स्टिंग और उसकी पत्नी ट्रेडी स्टाइलर के मार्फ़त 1999 में मिली थी।

confidants's Usage Examples:

Betsy and Martha, often confidants, admitted to one another that they'd both researched Julie with similar bland results.

A few days later, having packed London with his own armed retainers and those of Buckingham and his other confidants, he openly put forward his pretensions to the throne.

These confidants, the duke of Buckingham, the lords Howard and Lovel, and a few more, must have known from an early date that he was aiming at the crown, though it is improbable that they suspected that his plan involved the murder of the rightful heirs as well as mere usurpation.

But the troubles of England were only just beginning; the protest against the misgovernment of SOmerset and the rest Richard of the confidants of the king and queen was now duke of taken up by a more important personage than the York, adventurer Cade.

His autocratic airs and his ostentatious preference for his confidants of whom he made the one earl of Suffolk and the other marquess of Dublin provoked both lords and commons.

Indeed Johns few trusted confidants were nearly all foreigners, such men as the mercenary captains Gerard of Athies and Engelhart of Cigogn, whom he made sheriffs and castellans to the discontent of all Englishmen.

27 one of his confidants.

The assizes may speak of patriarch and king as conjoint seigneurs in Jerusalem; but as a matter of fact the king could secure the nomination of his own patriarch, and after Dagobert the patriarchs are, with the temporary exception of Stephen in 1128, the confidants and supporters of the kings.

He pulled out his cell to text his confidants.

Madame de Kriidener, and her colleague, the evangelist Empaytaz, became the confidants of the emperor's most secret thoughts; and during the campaign that ended in the occupation of Paris the imperial prayer-meetings were the oracle on whose revelations hung the fate of the world.


confidante, friend, secretary, repository, intimate,


unsexy, distant, unfriendly, extrinsic, inexperienced,

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