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concomitance Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

concomitance ka kya matlab hota hai


एक साथ या एक दूसरे के संबंध में घटना या अस्तित्व


साथ चालना,

concomitance's Usage Examples:

God, who is the cause of the concomitance of bodily and mental facts, is in truth the sole cause in the universe.

Finally, he explained the concomitance of these two series, as well as that between the perceptions of different monads, by supposing a pre-established harmony ordained by the primitive monad, God.

If we assume that there is a material process at the basis of ideation, we may take the analogy of the concomitance between a spinal reflex movement and a skin sensation.

concomitance's Meaning':

occurrence or existence together or in connection with one another


conjunction, co-occurrence, concurrence, coincidence,


separation, disagreement, competition,

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