compositae Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)
compositae ka kya matlab hota hai
कई फ्लोरेट्स से बना सिर वाले पौधे: एस्टर; डेज़ी; डंडेलियन; गोल्डनरोड; गेंदे का फूल; लेट्यूस; ragweed; सूरजमुखी; थिसल; ज़िन्निया
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compositae शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:
म्वुला ने बर्मिंघम सिटी विश्वविद्यालय में बर्मिंघम संगीत विद्यालय से कंपोजीशन में स्नातक की उपाधि प्राप्त की।
मेफ्टाल स्पास टेबलेट दो दवाओं का कंपोजीशन है।
कंपोजीशन में, जोड़ी ने पियानो के नोटों और कम से कम बारिश की आवाज़ को सुना संगीत व्यवस्था.फिल्म के मुख्य अभिनेता, सचिन जे जोशी ने संगीत निर्देशक शारिब-तोशी को ट्रैक विकसित करने में मदद की।
compositae's Usage Examples:
Anton Kerner has shown that crowded inflorescences such as those of Compositae and Umbelliferae are especially adapted for geitonogamy.
The former, which is a somewhat less favourable method than the latter, is effected by air-currents, insect agency, the actual contact between stigmas and anthers in neighbouring flowers, where, as in the family Compositae, flowers are closely crowded, or by the fall of the pollen from a (From Darwin's by permission.) FIG.
In these districts and others the number has become much reduced, owing doubtless in part to the fatal practice of catching the birds just before or during the breeding-season; but perhaps the strongest cause of their growing scarcity is the constant breaking-up of waste lands, and the extirpation of weeds (particularly of the order Compositae) essential to the improved system of agriculture; for in many parts of Scotland, East Lothian for instance, where goldfinches were once as plentiful as sparrows, they are now only rare stragglers, and yet there they have not been thinned by netting.
The most numerously represented family is the Compositae, the grasses being next in number.
Climbing plants with gorgeous flowers are common, and there are numerous species of Compositae and about a hundred cinchonaceous plants.
Though the fondness of this species for the seeds of flax (Linum) and hemp (Cannabis) has given it its common name in so many European languages,' it feeds largely, if not chiefly in Britain on the seeds of plants of the order Compositae, especially those growing on heaths and commons.
Compositae are comparatively rare; so also Gramineae and Cyperaceae are in some places deficient, and Labiatae, Leguminosae and ferns in others.
The principal orders, arranged according to their numerical importance, are as follows: - Leguminosae,Rubiaceae, Orchidaceae, Compositae, Gramineae, Euphorbiaceae, Acanthaceae, Cyperaceae and Labiatae.
Compositae compose a quarter of the Andean flora, which is a greater proportion than in any in the world.
492): Here, more perhaps than in any other part of the globe, in Compositae as in so many other orders, we ma~ fancy we see the scattered remains of ancient races dwindlinf down to their last representatives.
compositae's Meaning':
plants with heads composed of many florets: aster; daisy; dandelion; goldenrod; marigold; lettuces; ragweed; sunflower; thistle; zinnia
Eriophyllum, genus Gazania, Arctium, genus Rhodanthe, genus Wyethia, genus Arnoseris, Amberboa, wormwood, genus Pulicaria, genus Mutisia, Scolymus, genus Pericallis, Bidens, genus Iva, Petasites, genus Ageratina, genus Antheropeas, genus Arnica, Solidago, Campanulales, genus Filago, Bellis, genus Gerbera, Hyalosperma, genus Delairea, genus Ayapana, genus Cosmos, family Compositae, genus Ozothamnus, composite, genus Matricaria, Callistephus, Balsamorhiza, genus Xanthium, genus Leontodon, Baccharis, Gerea, genus Ammobium, Heterotheca, Tussilago, genus Chrysopsis, genus Boltonia, Santolina, Machaeranthera, Echinacea, genus Chaenactis, genus Carduus, genus Gnaphalium, Pyrethrum, genus Sonchus, Tripleurospermum, genus Silybum, Trilisa, genus Cacalia, Hazardia, genus Mikania, genus Petasites, Rudbeckia, genus Echinacea, Hypochaeris, genus Amberboa, Pulicaria, Silybum, Cnicus, Gnaphalium, genus Stevia, genus Lagenophera, genus Pyrethrum, Grindelia, genus Catananche, Actinomeris, genus Rudbeckia, genus Crepis, Leontodon, Gerbera, genus Packera, genus Achillea, Argyroxiphium, chrysanthemum, Echinops, genus Haplopappus, genus Cnicus, Conyza, genus Helianthus, genus Othonna, genus Tripleurospermum, genus Gaillardia, genus Argyroxiphium, Encelia, genus Arctium, Hulsea, Melampodium, Helipterum, Ozothamnus, genus Parthenium, Olearia, genus Taraxacum, Mikania, genus Heterotheca, genus Vernonia, Homogyne, genus Heliopsis, Argyranthemum, genus Leontopodium, genus Enceliopsis, genus Dahlia, Lactuca, genus Senecio, genus Antennaria, genus Dimorphotheca, genus Engelmannia, Tageteste, genus Cynara, Carduus, genus Dendranthema, Tragopogon, Craspedia, Emilia, genus Callistephus, Carlina, genus Tanacetum, Onopordon, genus Olearia, Hypochoeris, Brickellia, Anthemis, genus Scolymus, genus Helipterum, genus Helenium, genus Townsendia, genus Pilosella, genus Brachycome, genus Balsamorhiza, Arctotis, Dendranthema, genus Verbesina, Helenium, Saussurea, genus Scorzonera, Verbesina, Tanacetum, Ambrosiaceae, Leucanthemum, genus Sanvitalia, Brachycome, Chrysothamnus, Asteraceae, Chamaemelum, genus Saussurea, thistle, Cacalia, Stenotus, genus Tragopogon, genus Trilisa, genus Bellis, genus Brickelia, genus Xeranthemum, Piqueria, genus Stokesia, genus Arctotis, sagebrush, genus Doronicum, Felicia, family Ambrosiaceae, Arnoseris, Buphthalmum, genus Hypochoeris, genus Baccharis, Anacyclus, Matricaria, genus Inula, genus Hazardia, genus Hulsea, Seriphidium, genus Liatris, family Asteraceae, genus Ambrosia, Layia, genus Hyalosperma, genus Gynura, Tetraneuris, Xanthium, Madia, genus Tagetes, Stokesia, Leontopodium, Liatris, genus Melampodium, Onopordum, genus Centaurea, genus Leucogenes, genus Gerea, genus Tithonia, genus Aster, genus Ageratum, Erigeron, genus Echinops, Sanvitalia, Gutierrezia, genus Artemisia, Picris, genus Tussilago, Hieracium, genus Sericocarpus, Serratula, genus Buphthalmum, genus Conyza, Lagenophera, genus Erechtites, genus Craspedia, genus Felicia, genus Homogyne, genus Hypochaeris, genus Argyranthemum, Ratibida, compass flower, composite plant, Ageratina, Ligularia, Cichorium, genus Onopordum, genus Krigia, Cynara, genus Encelia, genus Nabalus, genus Tetraneuris, Delairea, genus Chrysothamnus, genus Anthemis, Boltonia, genus Coreopsis, genus Grindelia, genus Ursinia, genus Seriphidium, Townsendia, Senecio, Cirsium, genus Bidens, Conoclinium, genus Cichorium, genus Emilia, aster family, Antheropeas, Lonas, Packera, Nabalus, genus Ratibida, Pilosella, Leucogenes, genus Prenanthes, Helichrysum, genus Silphium, Carthamus, genus Calendula, sage brush, Centaurea, compass plant, genus Santolina, genus Eupatorium, genus Conoclinium, Gynura, genus Eriophyllum, everlasting, genus Gutierrezia, genus Elephantopus, Antennaria, Raoulia, genus Machaeranthera, genus Serratula, genus Haastia, Sericocarpus, Lindheimera, Pericallis, genus Cotula, Taraxacum, Cotula, genus Carthamus, Haastia, genus Helichrysum, genus Layia, genus Solidago, genus Anacyclus, Doronicum, Sonchus, genus Zinnia, genus Carlina, genus Andryala, genus Madia, Chrysopsis, genus Anaphalis, genus Picris, genus Chamaemelum, Silphium, genus Actinomeris, Prenanthes, genus Lindheimera, Parthenium, genus Lasthenia, genus Onopordon, Crepis, genus Ligularia, genus Chrysanthemum, genus Raoulia, Haplopappus, everlasting flower, Eupatorium, genus Stenotus, Dimorphotheca, genus Lonas, Lasthenia, genus Erigeron, genus Cirsium, genus Hieracium, genus Leucanthemum, order Campanulales, Enceliopsis, genus Lactuca, genus Pteropogon, Elephantopus, Anaphalis, asterid dicot family, genus Piqueria,
simple, cultivated plant, mitigated, impermanent,