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colophon Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

colophon ka kya matlab hota hai


एक प्रकाशक का प्रतीक एक पुस्तक में मुद्रित (आमतौर पर शीर्षक पृष्ठ पर)



colophon शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

कुछ सौ विभिन्न एजेन्टों को इसके सबसे आम कारणों के रूप में संलिप्त पाया गया है जिनमें निम्नलिखित शामिल हैं: आइसोसाइनेट, अनाज या लकड़ी का बुरादा, कोलोफोनी, सोल्डरिंग फ्लक्स, लेटेक्स, जानवर औरएल्डीहाइड्स।

छठी शताब्दी बीसीई के सुकरात के पूर्ववर्ती यूनानी दार्शनिक मिलेटस के थेल्स और कालफ़न के जेनोफेन्स दुनिया की व्याख्या मिथक और परंपरा के बजाय मानव हितों के संदर्भ में करने की कोशिश करने वाले पहले दार्शनिक थे, इसलिए उन्हें पहले यूनानी मानवतावादी कहा जा सकता है।

colophon's Usage Examples:

Nicander of Colophon has also left us two epics, one on remedies for poisons, the other on the bites of venomous beasts.

Mopsus was worshipped as a god by the Cilicians, and had two famous oracles at Colophon and Mallus.

3, 2) Mopsus expelled the native inhabitants of Caria, and built the town of Colophon.

94) and Xenophanes of Colophon, the Lydians were the first coiners of money at the beginning of the 7th century, and, further, the oldest known Aeginetan coins are of later date than Pheidon.

XENOPHANES of Colophon, the reputed founder of the Eleatic school of philosophy, is supposed to have been born in the third or fourth decade of the 6th century B.C. An exile from his Ionian home, he resided for a time in Sicily, at Zancle and at Catana, and afterwards established himself in southern Italy, at Elea, a Phocaean colony founded in the sixty-first Olympiad (536-533).

In the colophon also the compiler (as he calls himself) excuses the errors of orthography.

It had been predicted that he should die when he met his superior in divination; and the prophecy was fulfilled in the person of Mopsus, whom Calchas met in the grove of the Clarian Apollo near Colophon.

When the Greeks, on their journey home after the fall of Troy, were overtaken by a storm, Calchas is said to have been thrown ashore at Colophon.

Its foundation is often attributed to Xenophanes of Colophon, but, although there is much in his speculations which formed part of the later Eleatic doctrine, it is probably more correct to regard Parmenides as the founder of the school.

The journey of Calchas to Colophon and his death there, as told in the Nosti, is another instance of the kind.

colophon's Meaning':

a publisher's emblem printed in a book (usually on the title page

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