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codices Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

codices ka kya matlab hota hai



नियमसंग्रह, ज़ाब्ता, कोड,

codices शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:


नियम और विनियम एकरूप नहीं थे, इसलिए आयोजन समिति को विभिन्न राष्ट्रीय एथलेटिक संघों के नियमसंग्रहो के बीच चुनना था।

codices's Usage Examples:

Fragments, 4 however, of two codices were discovered (1897) in the genizah at Cairo, which illustrate more fully the peculiar features of this version.

Amongst other important codices are the Jorddnszky Codex (1516-1519), an incomplete copy of the translation of the Bible made by Ladislaus Batori, who died about 1456; and the Dobrentei or Gyulafehervdr Codex (1508), containing a version of the Psalter, Song of Solomon, and the liturgical epistles and gospels, copied by Bartholomew Halabori from an earlier translation (KSrnyei, A Magyar nemzeti irodalomtortenet vdzlata, 1861, p. 30).

Among its curiosities still extant are two New Testament Codices of the 10th century and two of the 11th; various works by Alphonso the Wise (1252-1284), a Virgil of the 14th century, a Koran of the 15th, 'c. Of the Arabic manuscripts which it contained in the 17th century a catalogue was given in J.

379) says that "ancient copies" omitted the words; and they are actually omitted by Codices B (Vaticanus, 4th century) and rt' (Sinaiticus, 4th century), together with Codex 67 (1 ith century).

The destruction of the earlier codices was an irreparable loss to criticism; but, for the essentially political object of putting an end to controversies by admitting only one form of the common book of religion and of law, this measure was necessary.

These brought together as many copies as they could lay their hands on, and prepared an edition which was to be canonical for all Moslems. To prevent any further disputes, they burned all the other codices except that of IIaf sa, which, however, was soon afterwards destroyed by Merwan the governor of Medina.

The codices remaining in the libraries are for the most part theological and ecclesiastical works.

The cardinal therefore obtained a bull from Pope Paul II., permitting him to recall his original donation, and in a letter dated from the baths of Viterbo, May 13th, 1468, he made over his library to the republic. The principal treasures of the collection, including splendid Byzantine book-covers, the priceless codices of Homer, the Grimani Breviary, an early Dante, 'c., are exhibited under cases in the Sala Bessarione in the Zecca or mint where the library has been installed.

In the Mexican codices pictures of men and women carrying are plentiful.

These codices passed to the Marciana, and Zanetti catalogued them as the Fondo antico.


holograph, leaf-book, manuscript,


stand still,

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