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cochineal Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

cochineal ka kya matlab hota hai


एक लाल डाइस्टफ जिसमें मादा कोचीनियल कीड़े के सूखे निकाय होते हैं



cochineal शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

शॉल लाल रंग या जामुनी, लाल डाई कोषिनील कीड़े से प्राप्त और बैंगनी लाल और नीले रंग से इंडिगो का एक मिश्रण द्वारा प्राप्त की।

ऐसा लगता है कि लाल रंग रंग कोषिनील कीड़े के शरीर से निकाली गई , लोकप्रिय बन गया है वहाँ ( अमेरिका और यूरोपीय संघ में सरकारों भारी हमारे भोजन और कॉस्मेटिक उत्पादों में उस रंग की उपस्थिति को विनियमित हालांकि ) व्यापक रूप से आज भी प्रयोग किया जाता है कि तकनीक था।


cochineal's Usage Examples:

Cochineal >>

COCHINEAL, a natural dye-stuff used for the production of scarlet, crimson, orange and other tints, and for the preparation of lake and carmine.

In 1853, however, the grape disease attacked the vineyards; and thenceforward the production of cochineal, which had been introduced in 1825, took the place of viticulture so completely that, twenty years later, the exports of cochineal were worth £556,000.

Forest Products.-The forest and other natural products include rubber, cinchona bark, ivory-nuts, mocora and toquilla fibre for the manufacture of hats, hammocks, 'c., cabaya fibre for shoes and cordage, vegetable wool (Bombax ceiba), sarsaparilla, vanilla, cochineal, cabinet woods, fruit, resins, 'c. The original source of the Peruvian bark of commerce, the Cinchona calisaya, is completely exhausted, and the " red bark " derived from C. succirubra, is now the principal source of supply from Ecuador.

The town has little trade except in farm-produce; but its red dye, made from the native cochineal, was formerly celebrated.

At the beginning of the 19th century, Guatemala had practically no export trade; but between 1825 and 1850 cochineal was largely exported, the centre of production being the Amatitlan district.

Other industries of a desultory character include the collection of archil, or Spanish moss, on the western side of the Californian peninsula, hunting herons for their plumes and alligators for their skins, honey extraction (commonly wild honey), and the gathering of cochineal and ni-in insects.

The cultivation of pepper, cochineal, cinnamon and indigo for the government had already ceased; De Waal restricted the area of the sugar plantations (carried on by forced native labour) as from 1878, and provided for their abolition after 1890.

The females are placed on the plants about August, and in four months the first crop of cochineal is gathered, two more being produced in the course of the year.

The, cochineal insect was once an important commercial product, but the industry has fallen into decay.

cochineal's Meaning':

a red dyestuff consisting of dried bodies of female cochineal insects

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