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claustrophobia Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

claustrophobia ka kya matlab hota hai

संवृत स्थान भीति



claustrophobia शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

अन्तरिक्ष से संबंधित कई भय को पहचाना गया है जिसमें ऐगरफोबीया (खुली जगह का भय), ऐस्तरोंफोबीया (आकाशीय अंतरिक्ष का भय) और क्लौस्ट्रफ़ोबिया (संलग्न अन्तरिक्ष का डर)।

उनके लेंस अर्री सिग्नेचर प्राइम थे, जिनमें से उन्होंने तीन फोकल लंबाई : 40 का इस्तेमाल किया 'nbsp; अधिकांश फिल्म के लिए मिमी लेंस, एक व्यापक 35 'nbsp; सुरंगों और बंकरों में दृश्यों के लिए मिमी, क्लौस्ट्रफ़ोबिया की भावनाओं पर ज़ोर देने के लिए, और एक संकरा the 'nbsp; नदी में मिमी, पृष्ठभूमि के कुछ खोने के लिए।


claustrophobia's Usage Examples:

claustrophobia experienced by many tennents and often congestion of properties.

Liz tells Larry that she has claustrophobia so Larry agrees to blow the fuse controlling the shield.

One seeker posted an experience to a Dallas area BBS (the local BBS no longer exists) in the late 1980s that she'd spent a great deal of time in past life research because of her claustrophobia.

Open MRI scanners are available with columns and open sides to alleviate claustrophobia.

Outside views are calming, provide distraction and reduce claustrophobia.

If you suffer from claustrophobia, then cruising for 10 days in an inside cabin will be no bargain regardless of how much money you saved on it.

To help reduce feelings of claustrophobia, practice breathing through just the mask, and then attach the mask to the machine when your comfort level increases.

The enemies are easy, the rooms cause claustrophobia, and your health never seems to deplete.

Feelings of claustrophobia are a significant problem for many CPAP users.

Items on display should be limited to prevent claustrophobia.


simple phobia,

claustrophobia's Meaning in Other Sites