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classification Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

classification ka kya matlab hota hai



क्रमविन्यास, श्रेणीविभाजन, श्रेणीविभाग, श्रेणीकरण,

classification शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

स्वर और व्यंजन में तर्कसंगत एवं वैज्ञानिक क्रम-विन्यास - देवनागरी के वर्णों का क्रमविन्यास उनके उच्चारण के स्थान (ओष्ठ्य, दन्त्य, तालव्य, मूर्धन्य आदि) को ध्यान में रखते हुए बनाया गया है।

इसका श्रेणीविभाजन मनुष्य की ही एक उपजाति के रूप में किया जाता है।

बालक को आरंभ में यह बताया जाता है कि घन, समपार्श्व आदि में से विशेष गुण हैं जिनके कारण उन्हें समुचित संख्याओं और क्रमविन्यास में रखने पर अत्यंत मनमोहक वास्तुकलात्मक वस्तुएँ बन सकती हैं।

हिंदी भाषा की वेब श्रृंखला हालबैच व्यूह (Halbach array), स्थायी चुम्बकों के संयोजन की एक ऐसा क्रमविन्यास है जो चुम्बकों के एक तरफ तो चुम्बकीय क्षेत्र को बढ़ा देता है जबकि दूसरे तरफ लगभग शून्य कर देता है।

classification's Usage Examples:

Huxley, " On the Classification of Birds and on the Taxonomic Value of the Modifications of certain of the Cranial Bones..."

The classification given here is for the most part that of Delage and Herouard.

The terms employed, especially for the subdivisions, cannot be easily translated into other languages, and the English equivalents in the following table are only put forward tentatively Richthofen'S Classification Of Mountains I.

It is certain, however, that no such classification can be considered final at present, but must undergo continual revision in the future.

A statement may now be given of Gadow's classification of birds, in which the extinct forms have been intercalated so far as possible.

Whilst the type of syrinx affords no help in classification, it is very different with its muscles.

Blanchard, " Recherches sur les caracteres osteologiques des oiseaux appliques a la classification," Ann.

It would be impracticable to go fully into the varieties of each specific form; but, partly as an example of modern geographical classification, partly because of the exceptional import of ance of mountains amongst the features of the land, one exception may be made.

That Garrod has so very much advanced the classification of birds is ultimately due to his comprehensive anatomical knowledge and general insight.

A natural classification of the Hydroidea has yet to be put forward.


indexing, stratification, compartmentalisation, typology, taxonomy, relegation, assortment, categorization, reclassification, compartmentalization, grouping, categorisation,


unskillfulness, incoordination, attributable, unattributable, inactivity,

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