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cinnabar Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

cinnabar ka kya matlab hota hai


एक भारी लाल खनिज Mercuric सल्फाइड से मिलकर; पारा का मुख्य स्रोत

cinnabar शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

नागार्जुन के रसरत्नाकर में अयस्क सिनाबार से पारद को प्राप्त करने की आसवन विधि वर्णित है।

ये विषैली प्रजाति, जैसे सिनाबार मॉथ ((टीरिया जाकोबेआ) और मोनार्क (डानाउस प्लेक्सिपुस) कैटरपिलर, आमतौर पर खुद को चमकते धारीदार या काले रंग में रंगे, लाल और पीले में विज्ञापित करते हैं - खतरे के रंग (एपोसेमाटिज़म देखें)।


संस्कृत साहित्य में पारद के सिनाबार तथा जस्त के कैलामाइन अयस्कों का समुचित वर्णन उपलब्ध है।

9. पारा (मर्करी) - सिनाबार , केलोमेल।

cinnabar's Usage Examples:

Cinnabar, realgar, orpiment and coal form the rest of the mineral products of Kwei-chow.

The metal generally occurs as sulphide of mercury (cinnabar), but the ores vary greatly in richness - from 21 to 20%.

copper pyrites (copper), galena (lead), blende (zinc), cinnabar (mercury), 'c. Of the sulphates we notice gypsum and anhydrite (calcium), barytes (barium) and kieserite (magnesium).

In New South Wales, in the form of cinnabar, it has been discovered on the Cudgegong river, near Rylstone, and it also occurs at Bingara, Solferino, Yulgilbar and Cooma.

Veins of cinnabar are known elsewhere in the Rocky Mountain and Sierra Nevada regions but not in workable quantities.

There are mines of chrome, mercury, cinnabar, argentiferous lead and rock salt.

Silver and lead ores exist in the Altai and the Nerchinsk Mountains, as well as, copper, cinnabar and tin.

Bosnia is rich in minerals, including coal, iron, copper, chrome, manganese, cinnabar, zinc and mercury, besides marble and much excellent building stone.

It may be obtained direct from pure and bright coloured portions of the native ore cinnabar, or, artificially, by subliming a mixture of mercury and sulphur.

Michoacan is essentially a mining region, producing gold, silver, lead and cinnabar, and having rich deposits of copper, coal, petroleum and sulphur.

cinnabar's Meaning':

a heavy reddish mineral consisting of mercuric sulfide; the chief source of mercury


atomic number 80, mercury, hydrargyrum, quicksilver, mineral, Hg,


ash-grey, bluish-white, chromaticity, grayish-black, white-flowered,

cinnabar's Meaning in Other Sites