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chiaroscuro Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

chiaroscuro ka kya matlab hota hai


एक ही रंग के कई अलग-अलग रंगों का उपयोग करके एक मोनोक्रोम तस्वीर


चित्र में प्रकाश और अन्धकार का प्रदर्शन, कुछ ढका, कुछ खुला, अर्ध प्रकट, धूप-छाँह,

chiaroscuro's Usage Examples:

The 16th century boasts the names of Bernardino Fungai, Guidoccio Cossarelli, Giacomo Pacchiarotto, Girolamo del Pacchia and especially Baldassare Peruzzi (1481-1537), who while especially celebrated for his frescoes and studies in perspective and chiaroscuro was also an architect of considerable attainments (see Rome); Giovanni Antonio Bazzi, otherwise known as 11 Sodoma (1477-1549), who, born at Vercelli in Piedmont, and trained at Milan in the school of Leonardo da Vinci, came to Siena in 1504 and there produced some of his finest works, while his influence on the art of the place was considerable; Domenico Beccafumi, otherwise known as Micharino (1486-1550), noted for the Michelangelesque daring of his designs; and Francesco Vanni.

The act was further enhanced by the trickery of lighting contrasts which brought to mind the effect of dramatic chiaroscuro.

chiaroscuro lighting, compellingly performed by a superb cast on opening night.

chiaroscuro technique.

chiaroscuro woodcuts on contemporary tonal woodblock printing.

So perfectly does the modern Japanese embroiderer elaborate his scheme of values that all the essential elements of pictorial effects chiaroscuro, aerial perspective and atmosphere are present in his work.

And these now rare and coveted pieces remain to rebuke us for our modern preference for the mechanical and unnatural chiaroscuro of photogravure - the successor and destroyer of the graver's art.

Somewhat more successful has been an attemptinaugurated by Hashimoto GahO and Kawabata Gyokushoto combine the art of the West with that of Japan by adding to the latter the chiaroscuro and the linear perspective of the former.

But before accepting this conclusion as final, one must not lose sight of the fact that the so-called chiaroscuro engraving was at the height of its use in Italy at the same time that embassies from thc Christians in Japan visited Rome, and that it is thus possiblc that the suggestion at least may have been derived from Europe.

His colouring for the most part is unpleasing, partly owing to his violent treatment of skies with crude blues and orange, and his chiaroscuro usually is much exaggerated.

chiaroscuro's Meaning':

a monochrome picture made by using several different shades of the same color

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