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chaldaea Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

chaldaea ka kya matlab hota hai


मेसोपोटामिया का एक प्राचीन क्षेत्र यूफ्रेट्स डेल्टा और फारसी खाड़ी और अरब रेगिस्तान के बीच झूठ बोल रहा है; 1000 ईसा पूर्व में बस गए और 539 ईसा पूर्व में फारसियों द्वारा नष्ट कर दिया; नेबुचदनेस्सर II के तहत अपनी शक्ति की ऊंचाई तक पहुंचे

chaldaea's Usage Examples:

an ephahmeasure with a heavy lid and carried from Judah to Chaldaea, where it is to have its home for the future.

Loftus, Chaldaea and Susiana (1857); J.

The walls of the Assyrian palaces were lined with sculptured and coloured slabs of stone, instead of being painted as in Chaldaea.

A considerable amount of Semitic Babylonian literature was translated from Sumerian originals, and the language of religion and law long continued to be the old agglutinative language of Chaldaea.

In contrast with the arid plateau of Mesopotamia, stretched the rich alluvial plain of Chaldaea, formed by the deposits of the two great rivers by which it was enclosed.

Chaldaea >>

In Joel the enemies of Israel are the nations collectively, and among those specified by name neither Assyria nor Chaldaea finds a place.

Thus the pseudo-Democritus, who was reputed the author of the Physica et Mystica, which itself concludes each of its receipts with a magical formula, was believed to have travelled in Chaldaea, and to have had as his master Ostanes l the Mede, a name mentioned several times in the Leiden papyrus, and often by early Christian writers such as Tertullian, St Cyprian and St Augustine.

Loftus, Chaldaea and Susiana (1857); Geo.

Loftus, Chaldaea and Susiana (1857); A.

chaldaea's Meaning':

an ancient region of Mesopotamia lying between the Euphrates delta and the Persian Gulf and the Arabian Desert; settled in 1000 BC and destroyed by the Persians in 539 BC; reached the height of its power under Nebuchadnezzar II

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