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certify Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

certify ka kya matlab hota hai

प्रमाणित करना


प्रमाणपत्र देना, सनद देना, तसदीक़ करना,

certify शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

यदि उच्च न्यायालय ऐसा प्रमाणपत्र देना स्वीकार कर दे तो उच्चतम न्यायालय अपील के लिए विशेष इजाजत दे सकता है।

यदि उच्च न्यायालय वह प्रमाणपत्र देना अस्वीकार कर दे जिसके लिए प्रार्थना की गई है, तो अस्वीकार किए जाने की तिथि से 60 दिन के अंदर, उच्च न्यायालय में भारतीय संविधान के अनुच्छेद 132 या 136 के अंतर्गत प्रमाणपत्र के लिए आवेदन दिया जा सकता है।

हिन्दी के विकास के लिए कार्यरत व्यक्तियों एवं संस्थाओं को सम्मान स्वरूप प्रमाणपत्र देना


certify's Usage Examples:

If they differ as to the validity of a return, they are to state such difference in their certificate, and the return is to be held good; if they differ as to a report on any other matter, they are to certify their difference and make no report on such matter.

If the bishop rejects the clerk within that time he is liable to a duplex querela in the ecclesiastical courts, or to a quare impedit in the common law courts, and the bishop must then certify the reasons of his refusal.

In the second case, the bishop may require the superior to punish within a certain time and to certify the punishment to him; in default he himself may punish (Conc. Trid.

This view is now generally abandoned; for it is recognized that acts of superhuman power, even if established by adequate historical evidence, do not necessarily certify their divine origin.

No persons so excommunicated shall incur any civil penalty or incapacity whatever, save such sentence of imprisonment, not exceeding six months, as the court shall direct and certify to the king in chancery.

The sums so paid in respect of the duties last above mentioned, and in respect of the estate duty and spirits and beer additional duties, are distributed among the several counties in proportion to the share which the Local Government Board certify to have been received by each county during the financial year ending the 31st March 1888, out of the grants theretofore made out of the exchequer in aid of local rates.

The court contemplated by the convention was a court of appeal for reviewing prize decisions of national courts both as to facts and as to the law applied, and, in the exercise of its judicial discretion, not only to confirm in whole or in part the national decision or the contrary, but also to certify its judgment to the national court for enforcement thereof.

Certain inscriptions discovered in the Padang highlands seem to certify the existence in the 7th century of a powerful Hindu kingdomin Tanah Datar, not far from the site of the later capital of Menangkabo.

The judge shall determine " whether the member whose return is complained of, or any and what other person, was duly returned and elected, or whether the election was void," and shall certify his determination to the speaker.

In practice it is found that many students whom their teachers refuse to certify are able to pass the university entrance examination.


reflect, testify, condemn, attest, prove, manifest, demonstrate, show, authenticate, notarize, notarise, evidence, bear witness,


ignore, dishonor, forget, say farewell, welcome,

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